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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Third Person POV

"I don't trust him." Warren whispered to La Reina.

"One moment Doctor." La Reina said and all eyes from the group turned to them.

"He tried to cheat you once before right?" Warren whispered so only the queen would hear, "One way to make sure your food isn't being poisoned, is to have your chef taste it first." La Reina smirked at Warren before turning to Kurian.

"On second thought. It is such a monumental accomplishment that the honor of the first dose, should really go to you." La Reina said and Kurian turned to Warren knowing she'd been the cause of La Reina's sudden change of mind. Addy looked at Warren while 10K's eyes flashed back and forth between the queen, Kurian, Vasquez and Warren. Kurian's hesitation all but proved to La Reina and Bailey that the doctor had been up to something.

"I can't I . ." he saw the suspicious look Escorpion gave him, "wouldn't presume to take –"

"Oh, please." La Reina said pleasantly, "I insist."

"I'm not worthy my queen." Kurian said turning away from Vasquez who looked calmer once the syringe was away from his neck. "If anyone should have the honor of the first dose, it should be you." He said smiling. "Don't you think?"

"If that's what I thought doctor, I would have said it." La Reina said and Kurian's face fell, he turned to Murphy who was munching on his popcorn and Bailey's eyebrow raised at the fact he'd turned to Murphy like he'd get him out of this. "Well then doctor?"

"Do you need some help doctor?" Escorpion asked.

"No." he said rolling up his sleeve and Addy, Bailey, 10K, and Doc shared another look as Kurian injected himself. Then he moaned and fell against his rolling cart, he tried to steady himself but then he fell to the floor clutching his arm and his moans turned into groans as he twitched on the floor.

"Kill him." La Reina said when he fell silent.

"Wait!" he shouted raising a hand, "Wait, wait." He got up off the floor slowly, panting and catching his breath, "I'm good. I'm good. I mean. . . I'm fine. Good, good, good."

"Test him." La Reina ordered when he was back on his feet.

"What?" he asked as a Zero brought over a box that was. . . growling? "What's in that box?" Kurian demanded as Escorpion came over and took Kurian's arm - the one he'd injected, "No, I have my own test." He insisted, "I have my own. . . I have my own test! Please!" then he screamed as his hand was shoved in the box.

"That is enough." La Reina said a moment later. Kurian pulled out his hand which was now bloody from a zombie bite. They waited as Kurian panted again but nothing else happened.

"He should have turned by now." La Reina said in shock.

"I can't believe it. It actually worked." Kurian said amazed at himself.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن