S2E05: Part 1

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S2E05:  Part 1

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S2E05: Part 1

They kept driving east out of Minneapolis and out of Minnesota until they reached Wisconsin. They were low on food and water so they stopped to make a supply run. They were going to leave Serena in the car but she refused to be left behind saying she was pregnant not crippled. They split up to cover more ground but in true Operation Bitemark fashion trouble found them pretty quickly, and a lot of it. Soon they were running down one street to the next trying to weave their way back to their SUV picking up more members of their group as they went. Doc and 10K ran out of one building and joined up with Warren and Vasquez who were coming out of the shop next door and the four of them ran into Addy, Serena and Bailey who were around the next corner already trying to hold off a group of Z's. Their two groups merged as they ran down the street and so did the two packs of zombies forming a small horde. They turned another corner as 10K shot a Z, they passed Murphy who was strolling leisurely under an umbrella that Cassandra held for him. They all bolted right by, Addy holding hands with Serena so she wouldn't fall behind, though the heavily pregnant woman seemed to be having a lot of difficulty keeping up.

"Wisconsin Cheese Day Parade?" 10K read off a fallen banner across the road as they ran.

"Ha! You betcha!" Addy said with a humorless laugh. Bailey looked back as they ran watching the zombies stumbling after them, they were dressed in all sorts of parade attire from cheese hats to marching band uniforms.

"Hey, I thought you control these things." Vasquez said as he jogged past Murphy.

"Not that many. And not for you." The blue man replied still walking calmly as the others ran.

"Whoa wait a minute is that cheese?" Doc asked as Serena dove for a large cutout, the kind you stuck your face through for a picture, and the next second she started heaving. Addy stayed with her and rubbed her back but Bailey kept going with the others knowing being too close to Serena might trigger her own gag reflex.

"No way! The world's biggest wheel of cheese." 10K said with a smile slowing to a stop and watching Doc cut into the wheel.

"It's not real Doc! Come on! We got to go! Puppies and kittens!" Warren shouted.

"No, it is real!" Doc said holding up a sliver of cheese and taking a bite.

"Hey, hey come on, let's go. We gotta move." Vasquez shouted stopping beside 10K and Bailey. Murphy and Cassandra stopped too, Cassandra still holding the umbrella over Murphy's head.

"Hey let's go." Warren said heading for Doc and Addy trying to rally the team.

"She's not moving." Addy said before turning back to care for Serena. They couldn't just leave her behind, but looking at the herd they'd drawn they couldn't stand their ground either, there were at least thirty to fifty zombies all lumbering in their direction now.

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