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He was with Eric in the armory while Addy had gone with Rita to make contact with Citizen Z

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He was with Eric in the armory while Addy had gone with Rita to make contact with Citizen Z. After going through the ammo shortage in Altura and having to rely on his sling for so long it felt good to have a long range rifle in his hand again and a full pocket of bullets. He could feel Eric's eyes on him as he loaded the rifle one handed, cradling the barrel with his antler.

"So what kind of name is 10K anyway?" he asked breaking the silence.

Tommy couldn't help but chuckle, he hadn't had to explain it in a while, "It's how many zombies I'm going to kill."

"You actually keep count?" Eric asked folding his arms and leaning on the nearest rack of guns.

"I try to." He said throwing the rifle over his shoulder and standing.

"So how far are you on that?" Eric asked grabbing an extra clip of ammo for his own gun as they turned to leave.


Eric whistled, "Damn. What happens when you reach your last kill?"

He hesitated as he thought, his old plan had been to be called Jeff, since when he'd changed his name it had been in an attempt to honor his father's death, to make up for the fact that he hadn't been able to save him. But now he had TJ, he'd named his son after his father which made having people call him Jeff seem. . . out of place.

"I'm not sure." He admitted, "Maybe I'll just keep counting. See how far I get."

"Well if enough Z's migrate I'm sure you'll get there."

"Running out of food in the south." He quoted sadly, "That means we're the only survivors left on the continent."

"Maybe not." Eric said hopefully, "Maybe there are just smaller more spread out groups of survivors down there and the bigger group of humans here is drawing them this way."

"Hopefully. The idea that if our communities fail means the end of humanity on this hemisphere is. . . extreme." He replied knowing it added even more pressure to continue their way of life, the Newmerican way, the way George had poured her heart into.

"Hastings has a theory that the Z's have developed stronger hunting instincts, they can determine that more food is up here so that's why they're coming. They don't want the tiny groups in the south."

"How did they develop? Other than hunger there's nothing else there. They don't have brain function." 10K asked shocked.

"Hastings thinks that black gunk that rained down across the country has something to do with it. That it not only mutated people when they die, but it affected already long dead zombies."

He thought about that for a second, it made sense. If the Black Rain made Talkers possible then who knew the affects it had on zombies? It had originally been meant to exterminate them, along with all the other humans. But Warren had changed the cylinders in the drone, whatever mix she'd put together had changed the game. Then he thought of something else but didn't ask, – why were there no Talkers in West Park?

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now