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~ Bailey traveling on her own after losing Sherry, Dr. Edwards, Philip and Officer Shepherd~

It was later that day as Bailey was walking that she heard the radio go off again. She'd spent the whole morning trying to figure out the code that 'Rolling Thunder' had sent out. Maybe she should have asked Warren at some point to teach her all that military lingo so she'd have some idea by what they meant by rendezvous point Poppa Whisky November. Then she could meet up with the marine convoy and get a ride to Newmerica instead of walk there on her own.

Once she heard the static on the radio she brought the device to her ear trying to make out anything that could give her a better direction other then 'north'

"Mayday. Mayday." She heard over the frequency, "We're pinned. Sniper. We got a man down. Everybody's gone. The trucks. . . Every –"

Then the voice changed.

"Stay put, don't worry. I'll be seeing you soon."

Her heart stopped. 10K. She'd know his voice anywhere, no amount of static could disguise it from her. She started to feel lightheaded so she sat down on the curb beside the road. This was the first time in two years she'd heard his voice.

She shook her head and pressed the button again trying to contact him and the team he was with.

"Tommy. Tommy." She tried, "Hello? Anyone?"

But there was no response and soon after the static stopped, telling her the line had went dead. She took a few more deep breaths as her head started to swim. After about five minutes she had to push all that aside, block it out, and focus. There was nothing she could do for Tommy right now, and nothing the convoy could do for her.

Newmerica. She told herself. Newmerica is all that matters. And if you're lucky, he'll be there too.


~After Tommy's first surgery ~

"Tommy. Tommy." He heard someone gently calling in his ear as he woke up feeling very groggy. When he opened his eyes he saw Bailey leaning partially over him with her hand on his shoulder where she had been shaking him. He took a deep breath to get some clean air into his lungs to help him wake up quicker. Bailey brought her hand to the side of his face and started running the back of her fingers down to his jaw.

"Hey." She said smiling, "How are you feeling?"

He turned his head from one side to the other before he tried to sit up a bit more. Bailey's grip on his shoulder tightened keeping him in place.

"Easy." She said grabbing a pillow from her chair and wedging it in behind the pillow he already had. As his mind became less foggy from the drugs they'd given him he started thinking clearer and turned to look at his wrist. What had been a stump for so long now had a hand attached to it. It was covered in bandages so he couldn't see it and his four fingers had been wrapped together in one clump like a mitten, except that he could see the indents where the spaces between the fingers were.

"It doesn't hurt." He said his voice cracking.

Bailey smirked and moved her fingers to run through his hair, "Yeah, they have you on some pretty intense painkillers."

"My head feels like it's swimming."

"Mmm-hmmm. That's the anesthesia wearing off." She said.

"I'm glad you're here." He told her, his voice starting to sound normal again.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now