Oneshots pt 1 of 4

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One shots #1:

Bailey was sitting on her bed in the infirmary with her daughter in her arms, she was wrapped in a knit plum purple blanket that had been a gift from one of her coworkers at the supply and storage building and she had a small knit white hat on too. She hadn't opened her eyes yet since they were still fused together but according to Dr. Hastings once she was twenty eight weeks old, which was only two weeks away, she'd be blinking and her eyes would be able to form images so she'd be able to see her parents for the first time. Now though only a week after her birth her rate of survival was up to ninety-five percent though Hastings said she was still premature and would need NICU care for long periods of time. More good news was it looked like Bailey had gone into early labor from the high levels of stress Tommy's kidnapping had put her through and it wasn't due to something wrong with her internally. So she'd been given a clean bill of health which took a load off her and Tommy's minds.

Tommy was going to take shorter shifts at work so he could stay with TJ while Bailey stayed in the infirmary with their little girl. Right now though TJ would just be getting out of school and Tommy was going to give him a bath before bringing him over to meet his sister. They wanted to get all the school germs off him first though since the baby's immune system was still delicate. They still had to make sure the room she and Bailey were in was kept at a certain temperature and they had to put her under a heat lamp when they changed her diaper or clothes to keep her warm since she was still too young to regulate her own body temperature. There was still a machine nearby for her breathing tube that ran under her nose and another machine that had a tube hooked up to feed her. Bailey had to pump until the baby's instincts to nurse had developed so her body wouldn't shut down that function too soon, Hastings had described it as a 'use it or lose it' bodily function.

Bailey cradled her daughter in her arms and her face was hurting from how much she'd been smiling lately. Just looking at her new little baby brought her such joy and reminded her that pregnancy was such a gift and she was so grateful she got to experience it twice now. Her baby girl wiggled a bit in her arms as she readjusted herself and Bailey loved seeing her little face, especially now that it had more color and less of that white blue-grey tone to it. Now it was pink and healthy looking and Bailey looked forward to watching her grow.

Then the door to her room opened and she looked over her shoulder to see Tommy and TJ walk in. Tommy was in a tight white shirt made of a thicker material then plain cotton and TJ had a shirt with cars and trucks on it.

"Momma! Momma!" he cried excitedly and Tommy immediately shushed him.

"Shhh, quiet TJ, remember? Babies need quiet or they'll cry."

"Oh yeah." TJ whispered before he tip toed the rest of the way to his mother making both her and Tommy chuckle lightly. Then he climbed up on the bed and shimmied over to her.

"How was school?" Bailey asked him.

"Good. Miss Lisa had the whole class make a card for you and the baby and they all signed them and drew pictures. Papa helped me hang them up at home so you can see them when you get out of the in-firm-ree."

"That's great TJ." She said and noticed he'd started sitting up taller obviously trying to get a better look at the baby in her arms wrapped in purple. She looked up at Tommy and he grabbed TJ around the middle and picked him up.

"Here bud, can you see her better?" he asked as TJ stretched his neck to see and Bailey angled her arms.

"She's really, really tiny Papa." He said softly as he watched her.

"You were that little too TJ." Tommy said as TJ looked amazed. "But you stayed in Momma's tummy longer.

"Why'd she come out early?" TJ asked as Tommy put him back down on the bed.

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