S3E03: Part 1

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Hi guys! So glad to be back! This Lenten season has been crazy! I gave up fanfiction as my sacrifice but wow it got so much harder after COVID exploded everywhere. This last week (or so) has been so difficult because with all the social distancing starting to get to me all I wanted to do was reconnect with you guys. But I hung in there and stuck it out and am so proud of myself! Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it, the religious or the commercialized version, I hope even among the madness that is life today you are still able to enjoy it.
If social distancing is getting to you feel free to leave a comment- it doesn't have to be related to this story at all - if you just need to talk I will try to respond as much as I can!  Anyway, it's good to be back and I hope you all enjoy this update!!

S3E03: Part 1

Bailey POV

Bailey followed the truck's tracks north, it seemed that was the direction Murphy had been heading in originally but most likely was distracted like everyone else when the plane flew over. And also like everyone else he'd seen an opportunity and had went for it. Now that he had the supplies that belonged to Sun Mei he was back on his original course. Bailey followed the tracks until she saw a second set of tracks join in and they led her to an open dirt field where she found an ATV with a flat tire surrounded by dead bodies. She drew her gun in case she was about to run into trouble remembering one of the rules she'd written down in her notebook 'think less like a missionary and more like a mercenary' Vasquez had said way back when they'd first seen the wagon train, Murphy had also said that a valley was a good place for an ambush and that looked like that was exactly what had happened here.

As she got closer she saw more Enders, all with holes in their heads, a dead guard and the submarine captain who both had bites on their faces. The captain had a jaw lodged in his head that looked like it had been used as a boomerang. Bailey cocked her gun and looked around, these Enders might still have a few clever brain cells in their heads, enough to at least still pose a threat. She looked back at the guard and the captain and shook her head, this is what following Murphy's commands got you.


They'd kept driving until they reached Seattle, 10K could see the space needle from his seat in the front of the vehicle next to Dr. Merch who'd gotten stuck between him and Murphy. Of course now in the apocalypse the needle had fallen over and the top of it was broken and leaning on the building in front of them, more of a reminder of the world they were living in. They were stuck behind another vehicle with people in it that wasn't moving and Murphy was clearly losing his temper about it as he kept blasting the horn of their armored truck.

"Come on! Move it!" he shouted, "One other car in North America and I'm stuck behind it." He complained before sticking his head out the window, "Get out of the road apocabillies!"

"You're gonna attract Z's." 10K said leaning forward resting his elbows on his knees.

"Relax, kid. You're with me." Murphy said as if zombies were the last thing on his mind. 

"Maybe we should help them." Dr. Merch suggested with a neutral tone.

"I'll handle this." Murphy grumbled getting out and approaching the van as 10K followed with his rifle.

Murphy opened the van door and rudely yelled at the people inside. "What is it gonna take to get you people out of the road?" he asked with his hands on his hips. 10K could see from his place behind Murphy a mother was holding her daughter in her lap and he could tell she didn't look well.

"Our daughter's dying." The father said sadly answering Murphy's question.

"Oh." Murphy said dropping his hands from his waist showing a bit of emotion 10K didn't know he still had, "Maybe I can . . . help."

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