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They ran past old Newmerica signs with George's silhouette that said 'United we live, divided we turn' which now had been covered over with signs that said 'Vote Safety' 'Vote Sanity' 'Vote Security'. Warren had the strap of the insulated bag that had Sun Mei's preserved brain thrown over her shoulder as they quietly hustled along the walls of the buildings. Warren stopped them at one corner and peered around; when she turned back to them she took the strap of the bag from around her torso and passed it to Red.

"Wish we could've given Sun Mei a proper burial." She said.

"She died for a reason." George said hoping that brought some justice. "That's more then most people can say."

"Yeah, stash her brain someplace where Estes can't find it." Warren instructed both of the girls, "Anything happens to us you get her to Murphy."

Red and Bailey nodded and took off as the intercom kicked on and they heard 'Remember to report any suspicious activity to the nearest militia member. A reminder for all citizens, don't forget to vote. Remember you'll need two forms of ID. . . '

"Don't let that get to you." Warren told George after the two girls had left.

"I know. Was just thinking. Remembering. I put that poster up. . . me and Dante. . .the artist who designed it. . . Talkers who helped, they're all dead. And now Sun Mei. What if we win? What if we kill all the zombies and there's no one left to know but Talkers –"

"We're not there yet." Warren said trying to snap her out of it, "There's still a lot of people with the will to survive – including you."

"At what cost?" George questioned and Warren knew she couldn't have all that floating around in her mind if they were going to beat this.

"Keep your head in it, let's go."


They snuck their way into the community building, it was easy since there weren't many militia out. After George had 'given up' their plan they knew Estes would send most of his forces to get the Talkers he was so desperate to keep out of the election. It worked out well for them since George's white shirt was still covered in blood and her eye looked pretty bad but at least she could see out of it.

"You look like you held up for a long time." Warren said noting the blood splatters on George's skin and clothes and the bruises on her face.

"I could have gone the distance, if that was the plan."

"I'm sure you could've. Let's find Kaya and CZ, they've got a lot of work to do before we're done." Warren said before they pushed on, weaving through the halls, looking for the vending machine Citizen Z had described.

"Can't believe I'm not going to vote." George said as they passed another poster.

"Oh we're voting, just not at the ballot box." Warren said, "CZ said that the vending machine is up this way."

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