S6E10: Part 1

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This is part 1 of the season 6 finale. 

S6E10: Part 1


He got to the infirmary helping cart in medicine just as Red was done with Addy. Luckily, she had a clean bill of health and was all set to go. He knew Bailey would be relieved when she heard that news. Red was happy too as she directed them on where to leave the medicine they were bringing in. He started putting boxes on the counter she'd pointed to while Brendan, the other few guards, and Ray went to get what was left in the truck.

"This was a great idea Tommy." Red said as she came over and started pulling medicine out of the boxes and putting it in its proper cabinets and drawers. "I'm not sure what we would have done if a few more people had gotten sick before you got here."

"Is it bad?" he asked opening another box.

"Just the common cold and a half a dozen people with the flu but this stuff spreads quick, especially when people are all staying cramped inside to stay warm."

"Any riots?"

"No but if this medicine was still a few days away I think we would have had at least one. You guys came just in time."

"We had some bumps along the way but nothing too bad. Just glad it was worth the risk."

"How was Bailey? I know she was still having pretty bad morning sickness when you guys left." Red asked looking genuinely concerned and he was reminded again of everything the two girls went through together.

"She's been getting better. I think the sickness is calming down. She's going to start really showing soon." He said as a smile crept up on his face at the idea of her having a tiny belly. Red came over and grabbed more medicine from the box and noticed the look on his face.

"Excited?" she asked smiling. He turned to her, bit his lip, then nodded.

"Yeah. I wasn't sure if I'd be, or if I'd be nervous or worried, and I am but the excitement is just kind of. . . more than that."

"So. . .are you hoping for anything?" she asked.

"Hoping for anything?" he asked confused.

"Yeah, like a boy or a girl?" she clarified as she took the medicine to the cabinet behind him.

He shrugged, "I don't really care. I just want Bailey and the baby to be healthy. I know a lot can go wrong during the pregnancy. . . and the delivery."

It got quiet as his worry started to move to the forefront of his mind knowing that before modern technology just having a baby could kill the mother and he tried to shake thoughts like that away. Red must have noticed the sudden change in his demeanor because she changed the subject.

"My mom used to have an old surefire way to tell if it was a boy or girl." She said getting his attention.

"Really?" he asked turning to her, "What was it?"

"It was based on three things. Like what side she woke up on after the baby was conceived. Was the conception in a moment of happiness or sadness. And what was the first thing she ate afterward, salty or sweet?"

He thought back to when he'd first come to Altura and found out Bailey was alive and the first time he saw her again. It was definitely a happy moment. But then there was that time after the funeral at the Memorial Wall after Sarge had died and he'd lost his hand. That moment was out of pure grief and mourning. He didn't remember what side she'd woken up on after their first time, and he had no clue what she'd eaten.

"So which is which?" he asked and Red paused with her hand still in the box and her face scrunched up.

"I forgot." She said before they both started laughing.

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