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Bailey POV

She'd been up most of the night worrying about TJ. What he'd said about missing 10K broke her heart and her mind seemed unable to rest until she came up with a solution for her son to feel better.

That morning she thought she'd go see Kaya, they'd become close, bonding over parenting tips and raising young boys. Kaya was good at staying calm in stressful situations and her advice meant a lot to Bailey. Her son had grown up without his dad for the first several years of his life, Kaya must have gone through this too and maybe would have an idea that would help.

Bailey brought TJ to the building where the election had been held – the first one that Estes had tried to sabotage by blowing it up – and the building was now where CZ and Kaya stored a lot of tech that was responsible for sending out their transmissions across Newmerica. She found Kaya exactly where she thought she'd find her, sitting at a computer in a dimly lit room with a pair of headphones over her ears. Bailey smirked as she had TJ sit in a chair with one of his books as he flipped through it and she walked over to Kaya-in-the-Skya. She pulled off her headphones and laughed when the girl jumped in her seat, turned and put her hand over her pounding heart when she saw it was only Bailey.

"Don't do that." She said partially laughing and Bailey chuckled.

"Sorry." She said pulling a diet soda out of her bag and offering it to Kaya, "Does this make up for it?"

Kaya nodded and eagerly accepted the soda. After she'd taken a sip she asked, "So what's up?"

Bailey sighed and sat down in the other chair that must be CZ's as she explained to Kaya about last night. She kept glancing at TJ to make sure he wasn't listening and she smiled when she saw him grinning as he read his book. She knew his love of books was something he got from her.

"Well, when Simon was gone and it was just me, Nana and JZ it helped to send messages on the radio." Kaya suggested with a shrug, "I never knew if he got them or not, but it made me feel better thinking that maybe he was holed up somewhere listening to us, knowing we were still there for him."

Bailey nodded and thought about it, then Kaya kicked her knee lightly, making her look up. "If you wanted to, I could put TJ on the air."

Kaya's grin made Bailey smile and she nodded knowing it would make him feel like his Papa was listening, hopefully he would be.


He and Addy had found a movie theater early in the day that they decided to check out. Addy was hoping to score some chocolate for breakfast and even though they had packed enough food to not worry about scavenging she admitted she missed it sometimes and it felt like the 'good ol' days'. The red head was behind the candy counter looking for anything that might have been kicked under the display case and popcorn machine while he strolled around with his rifle ready as he looked at old movie posters. He'd never been to see a movie but didn't feel like he'd missed out. The concept of a screen so big and bright hurting your eyes, with sound blasting in your ears, he didn't understand how a person could find that enjoyable. But then again, maybe it was one of those things you had to experience, like riding a roller coaster until you threw up.

Then static from the radio caught his attention and he turned around and Addy popped up from behind the counter.

"Ten. . . thousand. . . Addy. . . come in." they heard Kaya's voice and Addy took the radio off the countertop and hit the button.

"Kaya, this is Addy and 10K, we read you over."

"Addy, 10K, do you copy?"

"Why can't she hear us?" he asked approaching the counter.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant