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Tappan Zee Bridge

They plowed their way through the Tappan Zee Bridge - literally, Warren was leading in the military truck and was running over zombies left and right. Addy was following behind her while Doc and Bailey's truck brought up the back. Meanwhile the sniper they'd picked up rode in the back leaning on the roof as he stood with his rifle ready to mercy more Z's. Every time he did she heard him mutter a number – he wasn't really keeping track was he?

It was a bumpy ride since they all drove over the run over Z's and body parts Warren left in her wake. Bailey had to take her feet off the dash the truck was bouncing so much. She glanced in the rearview mirror and had no idea how the sniper was staying upright so easily. After they'd crossed the bridge Warren pulled over and the others followed.

"Out of gas." She called as she and Garnett abandoned the truck.

"Running on fumes." Addy said giving Warren a high five out the window. The truck Doc and Bailey were in seemed in the best shape though there was heavy smoke coming from the left front tire.

"Alright, so it looks like you got a flat." Warren said as Doc got out of the truck, Bailey opened her door and stood up holding onto one of the rails that ran along the roof for support.

"Head's up. We got company." Mack called as two guys on motorcycles came around the turn in the road. Mack and Garnett took out their guns, the sniper sat on the side of the truck holding his rifle in view, Doc took out some tool to get under the truck and Warren rested her hand on her machete. Bailey noticed Cassandra slowly make her way so she was partially blocked by the truck as she turned her back to the men riding by.

"That's right. Keep rolling and we all live to see another day." Warren said as they slowed down but didn't stop as they passed. Bailey noticed one seemed to look Cassandra's way but she wasn't sure if it was suspicious or not considering that it was the apocalypse and there were plenty of men out there who would pause to check out a good looking girl – and many who would do more than just look. Then they revved their engines and sped off down the road.

"All right, let's do this quick." Warren said turning and helping Doc with the tire. "It doesn't look flat but it won't. . . turn. . . " she said struggling to pull the tire off. When they did there was a mangled zombie underneath snarling at them.

"Well that explains the pull to the left." Doc said.

"What are you waiting for? Kill it. Kill it!" Murphy said cringing away. Warren picked up one of Doc's tools and gave the Z mercy. Then she along with most of the group walked to the side of the road to take one final look at the New York skyline. Bailey watched from her place on the truck while the sniper looked on from his place in the bed.

"So long New York." Bailey heard Addy mutter when they all started making their way back to their only functional vehicle. Warren and Garnett took the front seats again as Bailey hopped off and made her way into the bed with Mack and Addy while Doc, Cassandra and Murphy took the back seats. Bailey pulled her notebook out of her messenger bag along with a lead pencil and made a quick sketch of the New York skyline as it got smaller and smaller as they drove on.            

Paramus Park Mall

    New Jersey

They came to a large parking lot after a few hours of driving through Jersey and all split up to search for gas. Warren and Garnett were going with Murphy while Addy and Mack took Cassandra. Doc volunteered to go with the sniper and Bailey said she'd go with him to watch his back.

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