S2E09: Part 1

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S2E09: Part 1

RoZwell, New Mexico

After their vehicle broke down they found a yellow dune buggy and a mix tape titled 'super sweet mix' which they decided to play since Citizen Z was no longer playing anything over the radio frequencies. They were driving down a dirt road after dark in the middle of a wide desert, there were some red hills and small mountains further out around them but not much else. Bailey was sitting on the very back of the buggy next to 10K, both of them had their feet on the seats in front of them rested between Addy, Doc and Murphy.

"We need to get off the road." Vasquez said from the passenger seat.

"I don't like being so far into Zeros' territory." Warren replied as she drove, "But I guess we really don't have a choice." As she spoke the music started to get distorted which Bailey thought was odd since it was a tape and not through the radio.

"Wait." Murphy spoke up, "What is that?" he asked looking over the side of the open roofed buggy. They slowed down and 10K clicked on his flashlight shining it along the side of the road to reveal a zombie cut into three pieces, a slice through the waist and the knees. It was still growling and snarling as it reached out its arms trying to get them.

"That is a new one." Addy said slowly.

"I want whatever did that." 10K said his voice deep as he smirked staring at the Z with excitement in his eyes at the thought of whatever weapon could be capable of something like that.

"Some kind of samurai surgeon?" Doc suggested.

"Some things you just can't unsee." Addy said disgusted as 10K cocked his handgun. The red head heard the click and she bent down and blocked her ears as 10K fired hitting the zombie in the forehead.

"4,234. . . and a third." He counted as he put his gun away tucking it in his belt.

"Take the whole kill. You deserve it Kid." Doc told him.

"35." 10K said with a shrug before raising his hands to rest them on the metal bars that crossed over the buggy like a makeshift roof. "You know they used to find mutilated cattle out here back Pre-Z."

"Mutilated cattle?" Warren asked, "Like X Files mutilated cattle?"

"Yeah my uncle knew all about it. Aliens did it." 10K said leaning his forehead on his hands.

"Have you been smoking my Z-weed?" Doc asked him.


"Maybe you better start." The hippie replied.

"You believe in UFO's?" Murphy asked over his shoulder.

"Sure." 10K said.

"That's ridiculous. Aliens don't exist." Murphy snapped, "If they were smart enough to get here they wouldn't put up with the dumbass human race for a minute. Pure science fiction."

"That's what people said about zombies." 10K said with a smile in his voice and Bailey looked over to him and saw no hint of joking in his expression.

"Well, I mean, maybe there's zombies but, you know, there sure as hell ain't no aliens." Murphy said as the music distorted again and died, then the engine sputtered until it and the car stopped.

"Oh, come on baby. Don't fail me now." Warren whined, then the radio came back on but it was high pitches of static and muffled grumbling. 10K's eyes widened in interest as they all listened, Bailey getting creeped out by the distorted speech she heard.

"What kind of language is that?" Vasquez asked.

"Sounds like alien cross talk to me." 10K replied.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum