S1E11: Part 2

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S1E11: Part 2

Third Person POV

"Addy?" Warren called making her way over to her where she was sitting under the porch of one of the houses. "Hey. You all right?"

"Yeah." She said but it was hesitant, then Helen came over.

"Tessa said there are two sisters still out there. We could use your help to free them." she said looking directly at Addy.

"Of course."

"Addy, are you sure you're up to that?" she asked with motherly concern as she sat beside Addy and Helen crossed her arms.

"Warren, any one of us could be those sisters." She turned to Helen, "I'm in." she said standing.

"Wonderful." Helen said with a smile.

"Yeah, you got me too." Warren said standing as well and Helen's smile faltered.

"You don't have to."

"No, no, no. I always got my sisters back." Helen smiled again but it was the same fakeness she'd shown with Sam when he returned. Helen put an arm around Addy's shoulders and led her to the car. She spoke softly so Warren wouldn't overhear.

"I'd like to stop and pick up your friend outside the walls." She said sweetly.

"Bailey?" Addy asked.

"Yes, her. Maybe on the way to save the sisters you can convince her to come into the camp. I'd love to show her all we have to offer."


When Doc and Bailey got back to the truck they found Mack and 10K in the back scarfing what was left of the blueberry pie.

"We got to burn this joint, boys. Time to motor." Doc said urgently.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Doc. Hold on, man. What is it? What'd you guys see?" Mack asked.

"Zombie, bear." Bailey replied.

"A Zombear." Doc said nodding and Bailey had to resist rolling her eyes at the dumb name. Both Mack and 10K turned to the camp in surprise like they were hoping to get a glimpse of it but instead they saw something else.

"Hey, someone's coming." 10K said as they turned and saw the red jeep from before heading their way.

"Bailey!" Addy cried from the jeep as it stopped not far from their SUV. "Hop in!" the red head cried. Bailey hesitated for a moment before jogging over and getting in the jeep before they took off.

"They wouldn't just leave us would they?" Doc asked.

"No, Addy doesn't go anywhere without me." Mack said confused.

"Sorry pal. She just did." Doc said before taking a spoon and digging into what was left of the pie.

Bailey POV

Addy explained to her how the girl the Sisters had brought back –Tessa – had been abused by a group of men. She told Bailey that there were two more girls with them and they were going to go save them. Bailey, of course, agreed to help, not just because it was women, she'd help anyone who was being forced against their will but she did have an ulterior motive. She wanted to keep an eye on Helen who was riding with them and had a sick smile on her face whenever she looked over her shoulder at Bailey. She might be younger but she wasn't naïve, she knew Helen had an ulterior motive too, she just had to figure it out in time to stop it.

They parked the red jeep near the underpass of a bridge and opened it to make the car look like it was broken down, Addy and another girl –Emmy – were going to wait by it as bait for the men. The rest of them were going to hide on the other side of the bridge and ambush the men when they showed up.

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