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As Addy drove along with the rest of the convoy of vehicles 10K spent most of his time looking out the window watching the scenery go by as his mind wandered. He was eager to get home, eager to see Bailey and TJ, eager to see how the baby was doing.

TJ had been making a lot of friends at pre-school which meant he was spending more time at other people's homes when his friends would invite him over for dinner or a sleepover. This gave him and Bailey a lot more time to be alone which they took advantage of. But even though life was going so well there was still something bothering him that he hadn't figured out how to mention to Bailey. As he laid there in their bed waiting for sleep to come to him he rested his hand on her flat stomach as she slept peacefully beside him and he thought back to when he'd feel little baby TJ kicking in her belly. He knew Bailey would love to have more children, at least the last time they'd talked about it he knew that was the plan. But as he looked down at his other hand and saw where he was missing five fingers at the end of his arm he began to worry. Could he handle another baby? Would he be able to help Bailey as much as he had with TJ if he only had one hand? A newborn and a toddler, how much of that responsibility would be put on her shoulders because he couldn't contribute? He hadn't felt this bad about himself since he'd lost the hand and he'd hoped this feeling would never rear its ugly head again. He felt inadequate, he felt useless, he felt incomplete. He took a deep breath and tried to make himself fall asleep, there was nothing he could do right now and as long as Bailey didn't bring it up he still had time to work it out himself before having to trouble her with it.


"Oh, hey Kid." Doc said sounding shocked to open the door and see him there lying on his couch in his therapy office looking miserable, "What are you doing here?"

"I can't go home Doc, my wife wants to have sex with me." He groaned like it was the worst thing in the world.

The shock on Doc's face only doubled, "Oh. . . sorry? That sounds. . . terrible?" Doc said obviously trying to help but really confused as to what the problem was, then he chuckled trying to ease the tension, "All this time and Bailey's still weak for your physique huh?"

Tommy lifted his hand and rubbed his eyes, "It's not funny Doc."

"Sorry." he took a deep breath, "Well, I'm off the clock right now but for you I can give an hour for free."

He rolled on the couch so he could sit up and rest his elbows on his knees, "We went to pick up TJ from school today, our schedules worked out so we could both go and get him so we figured it'd be a nice surprise for him." He explained while Doc pulled over a chair and listened, "One of the mom's there getting her kid had a new baby with her and she and Bailey got talking. And. . . I'm just worrying that. . . what if Bailey asks to have more children?"

"Well, do you want more children?"

He shrugged, "I used to. I'm not sure if I still do."

"Well what's wrong kid? I thought you loved being a father?"

"I do!" he said without hesitation, "Being a dad, it's the best thing that ever happened to me – aside from Bailey – I can't imagine a job I'd rather be doing then raising my boy."

"But?" Doc asked tilting his head, his old psychiatry training coming on and telling him there was more to the problem.

"But. . . another baby is a lot of work. And I'm not sure if I can manage it anymore." He said looking down at his lap but Doc noticed his eyes were on his wrist.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now