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"Excuse me!" The leader said walking through the crowd towards the bar where Addy was standing with Leroy. The bartender had his hands up in the air but Addy's had been resting on the bar – when did she get behind it? Bailey quickly pieced it together and knew Addy had been trying to hit the alarm hidden underneath. It was one of their security upgrades, one that Kaya and Citizen Z had upgraded from the original.

The leader had his handgun in front of him aimed at Addy as she removed her hand from the tabletop and rose both of them in the air looking annoyed at herself for not being quicker and now being caught. Keeping his gun on her the leader addressed his goons.

"Search them." He ordered, "You two, get up on that second floor landing, black it out and seal it off. You and you, search the rest of this level, grab anyone you see and seal off any exits you pass."

Bailey and 10K were backed away from their table by one man with a gun, he had a buddy who kept his aim on them as his friend lowered his weapon and started patting them down. He quickly checked 10K making sure he wasn't carrying, which he wasn't, except for his prosthetic which they didn't see as a weapon as they moved on to Bailey. The man patted her down then checked under her cardigan in case it was hiding anything in her belt. He was a little too frisky when his hands reached her backside as he grabbed and tugged her a little closer making her turn her head so their noses didn't bump each other. Tommy looked like he could kill the man with his one hand but with a gun aimed at them they were both powerless to do anything. The groping didn't bother Bailey much, she'd gone through much worse and keeping in mind her two sleeping children at home she kept her mouth shut and cooperated until the man moved on.

Then there was the sound of a scuffle and from a hallway to their right the two men came back dragging Warren in.

"We found her in an office." They told the leader as they let Warren go and she straightened her jacket that got disheveled in her struggle as the leader approached her.

"Welcome to the party." He said seeming cheerful before gesturing to a seat with his gun and Warren sat down though she kept her harsh eyes aimed right at the man. Bailey noticed Kaya seated not far from her and looked around to see who else was in there with them. There was Addy, Finn, Red and Leroy of course but she also recognized Katie and Annie from the supply building. Ray was there and so was Eric and Mariah - Rita's people - she knew they'd come ahead of Hastings to help Red prep for her arrival for training. There were maybe a dozen others who Bailey had seen around Altura but couldn't place their names.

As she'd been looking around Tommy had discreetly shuffled over to where Warren was sitting in the cushioned chair, he sat down on the arm of it and rested his elbows on his knees before he spoke softly.

"What are you thinking?" he asked knowing that look on Warren's face as she too took in the situation they were in and was coming up with her own analysis and plan for getting out.

"This is not a robbery." She whispered back keeping her eyes on the goons around them, "These guys are after something. . . I think this is about Murphy."


"So what seems to be the trouble?" Hastings asked as she walked out of the building and over to the vehicle Doc had driven Murphy to Pacifica in.

"He's got one hell of a debilitating headache, and he's been complaining of blurred vision since we got here." Doc filled her in as Rita appeared on the scene a few steps behind the doctor. She'd been the one who had met them at the gate and had gone to retrieve Hastings for them while Murphy waited outside claiming that the fresh air helped his head.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now