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He was so groggy when he came to. There were voices but he was having trouble making them out.

"Hey 10K, wake up.". . . Doc? Then he felt someone kicking his leg and that got him to fully wake up.

"Ow, quit it." He muttered as he saw that he Doc and one other guy were all tied to posts in the ground in the middle of the forest. His wrist felt better then he remembered and his black jacket was missing. The other guy tied up with them had dark circles under his eyes and several slashes around his bald head along with the letter S right on his forehead.

"Your friend there looks a little pale." He said looking at 10K, "Just transitioned has he?"

"I'm not a Talker." He replied offended.

"Then how come your hand fell off?"

"Hey who did this to you?" Doc asked.

"War-riors." The guy said in a sing songy voice, "Fierce and quick as lightning. You don't see them but they see you. And then – psh-psh, arrow in your arm. Saboteur!" he started shouting, "Saboteur! Saboteur! Saboteur! You! You! You!" then a stick was stuffed in his mouth the way a dog would carry a bone and Warren was next to the guy in a second.

"That's enough out of you." She said before going to untie Doc while George went over to 10K.

"I gotcha buddy." She said as she began to cut at the ropes.

Then they ran off but only a second later arrows were flying at them, coming from every direction, as they bolted through the trees.

"I've never been so glad to see you Chief." Doc said.

"I'm not the Chief you need to worry about." Warren called back right before Doc took an arrow in the backside and fell down. "Keep your head down!" Warren shouted as they all hit the dirt. 10K used his handless arm to shield his head while George dropped next to him. When he looked up again they were surrounded by people with various types of face paint covering their eyes, many of them were women and while most of them had bows and arrows there were also several who had guns.

"We're not here to fight." Warren said still in the dirt, "We're not your enemy."

They all got to their knees and put their hands up before the people swarmed them and tied their hands together and led them away with ropes like they were dogs on leashes. They were brought to a perimeter line made of string and tin cans so if any zombies came they'd be tripped up and the noise would alert the people staying at this camp. There was a whistle and one of the women with them whistled back before a young boy ran out.

"Good looking out Littlefoot." The woman said, "We found a couple of Z's but what we got here is worse."

"Bombers." He said.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now