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The door to his cell opened and Wesson stood in the doorway again but 10K didn't even turn to acknowledge that he was there.

"If Murphy wants to see me again I can tell you where he can shove it."

"It's not Murphy I'm taking you to." Wesson replied which made 10K turn to him confused, "Mr. Murphy, in a sign of good faith, has allowed you to have ten minutes alone with your girl."

"She's still alive?" he asked in both relief and shock. Wesson nodded.


He was brought to another room in the museum, it was small, if he stretched both his arms out his fingers would skim each wall, the room was nearly empty and he noticed there were no windows to jump out of. It had one small single bunk where Bailey was lying with her back to him – she probably thought it was Murphy coming to see her. Her left shoulder was bandaged in layers of gauze and medical tape but it was pink in some places where the blood was starting to seep through.

"Remember, ten minutes, no more." Wesson reminded him before closing the door and locking it but 10K didn't hear retreating footsteps and knew he was standing outside to make sure neither one of them would bail. 10K stepped forward, still barefoot, and sat on the edge of the bed bringing a hand to Bailey's arm.

"Bailey." He said softly hating how rough his voice sounded. She sat up on her good arm and turned to him her eyes lighting up slightly and a small smile playing at the corner of her mouth.

"10K." she said and he pulled her off the bed bringing her into a tight hug being careful of her shoulder.

"We don't have much time." He said quietly in her ear before pulling back, "How – how are you?" he asked his eyes glancing to her shoulder.

"I've been better." She said biting her lip and looking at her bandaged covered wound.

"You don't feel tired? Or in pain? Or like –"

"Like I'm dying?" she asked and he gave a shy nod, "I feel. . . fine, I guess. My shoulder's sore but all in all it's not bad." He nodded before they fell silent then Bailey spoke up.

"What about you?" She asked as she brought her hand to his face tracing the bruises he had, "You look like you got hit by a truck, Tommy."

"I've been worse." He said with a shrug, "Been better."

It was quiet again, he tried to find something to say not wanting to waste their short time with silences but it was like he wanted to say so much, everything he regretted doing, what he regretted not doing, apologizing, there was so much he couldn't decide where to start.

"I love you." Bailey said and his eyes snapped to her knowing that tone.

"You said never to say it like a goodbye." He said remembering back to when he was shot at Auntie's.

"I –"

"This isn't a goodbye." He said leaning forward and bringing a hand to her face seeing her eyes well up with tears, "You're going to be okay, you're going to be. . . whatever Murphy is. . . but still, you'll be alive."

"But what about you?"

He knew what was going to happen, the booster shot would eventually wear off, he'd be under Murphy's complete control. This was probably the last time he'd see Bailey and be able to act under his own will. With that in mind he moved his hand to her hair and leaned in kissing her with everything he had left in him.  She returned the gesture, kissing back with just as much desperation and heat as her hand moved to rest over his heart. When they pulled away to breathe he kept his forehead resting on hers and his hand in her hair.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now