S2E14: Part 1

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S2E14: Part 1

They covered a lot of ground in the El Camino's but it still wasn't long until night fell and Warren flashed her headlights signaling them to all pull over for the night. They parked the El Camino's in a circle to make a sort of barrier as some of the group chose to sleep in the cars while others preferred the less cramped space in the center of the circle the cars made. Addy had left to check the fuel of each car with Warren so they'd know how much longer they had before they'd have to start putting more passengers in each car as they each would eventually run out of gas. Bailey left to check on 10K, part of her wanting to smack him in the head for the stunt he'd pulled earlier but she tried to repress that.

She walked over to his passenger side door and knocked on the window, she heard the small click as he unlocked the door and she opened it and hopped in. He was still in the drivers seat though he'd reclined it to make it more comfortable for sleeping and she found him already turned to her with a grin on his face.

"What?" she asked bringing her legs up on the dash.

"Just thinking." He replied softly.

"About what?"

"You remember after the nuke?" he asked and she turned away blushing knowing he was talking about when she'd kissed him out of nowhere. She heard him chuckle at her silent response before asking, "How long?"

"How long what?" she asked turning to him confused.

"How long did you feel that way about me?"

"Well. . . " she began, looking away again and thinking back, "When we were bunked in that house before the tornado I kept trying to ignore what you made me feel, so probably, sometime during that guessing game we played while we drove through Kentucky."

"That long ago?" he asked and she bit her lip and nodded turning back to him seeing how wide his eyes were and looked away again.

"I kept trying to ignore it, hoping it would go away. I figured the more people I cared about the more I had to loose. But then. . . " she turned and looked at him, "That. That right there." She said pointing a finger at him.

"What?" he asked confused and slightly worried like he'd done something wrong.

"When you look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like. . . I don't know." She said pulling her feet off the dash and bringing her knees to her chest as she sat in the seat. "You look so focused, like you're hanging on my every word, like whatever I'm telling you, no matter what it is, is important. It just. . ." she looked at her lap, "makes my pulse race and . . . and then I think back to Gideon, how he was right, you do have such a good heart, which is even more impressive given that we're four years into the damn apocalypse." She said still looking away and playing with a fraying patch on her pants. She heard 10K shift in his seat and felt his hand cradle her head as he reached over and made her look at him. His thumb stroked her cheek as he leaned in, their faces an inch apart.

"I wish we hadn't lost all that time, between the nuke and actually getting together."

"I was embarrassed." She said with a small shrug and he smirked. Then she bit her lip again, "But. . . we can make up for lost time now." She said reaching over and resting her hand on his thigh which made him lick his lip nervously though she saw his eyes light up. They climbed into the back as they took off their dark Zero clothing and used it to block out the windows.

Third Person POV

"Oh, you've got to be freaking kidding me." Murphy grumbled as he leaned against one of the El Camino's sharing some Z-weed with Doc. The old man looked through the cloud of smoke he'd just exhaled looking at the red El Camino seeing that the back window facing them was now covered by 10K's hoodie and he gave a small stoned chuckle.

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