"You think they have diet?" George asked before they paused at the last turn. Around the corner they saw three guards heavily armed moving to stand in front of the vending machine. More were coming and once they were all in position Estes and Pandora appeared. They stood behind the guards as they prepared to raid Kaya's hideout.

"Shit." Warren whispered.

"Remember I want them alive." Estes instructed.

"Save the mercy for me." Pandora called dibs.

"We gotta get them out of there." George whispered urgently.

"It's too late." Warren told her knowing they were too outnumbered to try anything and win.

There was a loud BANG as one guard stepped forward and shot the hinges off the door of the machine and opened the front. But when he pulled it open there was no one inside.

"Hey guys, what's shaking?" a voice said from behind them and they turned and saw Citizen Z and Bailey standing there smiling.

"Oh good." Warren said relived, "We thought –"

"We were busted?" CZ asked, "Me and Kaya got out just in time."

"And Red and I stashed Sun's brain, she's going to meet us at the next rendezvous point. I went to warn Kaya and CZ when we split up." Bailey explained as she tied her hair up into a high ponytail using 10K's old red bandana. She knew she wanted her hair out of her face for the next phase of Warren's plan.

"Where is Kaya?" George asked concerned.

"She's safe." Citizen Z assured them, "She's with Nana and JZ. What now?"

"We stick to the plan." Warren said as they left and snuck out the way they came in.


He and Doc had just finished hooking up the last of the audio system to the speakers and megaphones they'd set up around the camp. There was a new feel in the air since Addy and Murphy left with the Talkers. It was almost like it was too quiet, thankfully, Doc broke the silence.

"This has got to be Warren's most half baked plan yet." He said as they left the tent where the audio controls were. "So you feeling lucky Kid?"


"Good cuz it's going to take more than luck to pull this off. You know what you're doing?"

"Pretty much." He shrugged. Aim and shoot, that was about it but something about this time seemed more surreal. He knew so much could go wrong since, honestly, this was Warren's most half baked plan. He wished there was a way to know if they'd gotten to Bailey, that she was safe and wasn't being beaten or tortured. The desperation he'd seen in Estes back at Limbo didn't reassure him, it only confirmed that the guy was at his wits end which meant Bailey was at even more risk.

He shrugged that off and turned to Doc knowing when they parted it could be the last time too. If this didn't work the militia would take them out, no arrest, no more trials, just instant mercy. Doc must have been thinking along the same lines regardless of how much Z-weed he'd had to try and take his mind off it.

"Hmm. . . love ya Kid." Doc said a little awkwardly. 10K couldn't help the smile that broke out on his face before he hugged Doc but his antler went into Doc's back making him cringe.

"Ooo, sorry." 10K apologized as he pulled away but Doc shook his head.

"No worries. Get going." He replied as 10K grabbed his gun off the barrel next to them and went to the location he'd scoped out earlier.

Bailey POV

They ran across Altura to the polling building and saw a short line out the front door.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now