There was a long pause and she felt his eyes on her the whole time before he actually said anything, "You dreamt about me?"

She nodded still looking at her feet, "Every night. And every time it felt so good, like you were really there with me, then when I'd wake up and remember you were gone. . . it was like being back at square one. Like reliving the moment I lost you each morning. I'll never forget that pain, and I hate that you're going through that now."

She looked up at him and noticed he didn't look confused anymore, instead he was looking at her like. . . like she got it, like he knew now that she hadn't been helping him out of pity or guilt but because she really got it. Really understood what he was going through.


The next day they walked the rest of the way to Heartland and Addy had brought up the internet and all the funny videos she'd watched to pass the time way back Pre-Z. This of course led them to the topic of how much 10K really hadn't seen when it came to popular culture.

"What about the video, where a cat totally protects a toddler from an attacking dog?" Addy asked 10K as they walked and Bailey kicked a can down the road. "Like comes tearing around claws and fangs and the dog turns tail and scrams?"

"We only used the internet for ordering guns." 10K replied, "And even then the computer wasn't in our house it was down at the ranger's station."

Addy sighed sounding disappointed in 10K's lack of internet use Pre-Z. "Okay, keyboard cat. Okay, you've got to have seen keyboard cat, he was everywhere."

"Oh yeah, I think I heard of him. He like. . . types?" 10K asked looking at the red head only to get another disappointed look, "What's the deal with cat videos anyway? Dogs are way cooler."

"Dogs can't play piano." Addy said.

"Why does everyone have to be either a dog person or a cat person?" Bailey asked with her hands in her pockets kicking the metal tin to the side of the road and leaving it there, "We had a dog and a cat growing up. Why does everyone think you have to pick one?"

"These fields need to be harvested." Warren said getting their attention back to their mission as they approached the town and saw rolling hills of fields of wheat. "They're gonna seed."

"Friend of mine helped me move a group of Talkers from here to Limbo." Addy said, "But I don't know how many live humans are left to work the fields."

They continued down the road until they came to a sign that said 'Heartland' and Addy asked Warren what their plan was.

"Make contact with the locals and see what we find about what's in these bizkits." She replied.

"And then what?" Addy asked, "What's our endgame here?"

"Help George with this idea first. A new country."

"I don't think we're the nation building types." Addy said continuing to walk down the road away from them. 10K's eyebrows pulled together confused and Bailey shifted her weight to rest on one hip as she watched her old best friend, wondering how much the apocalypse had changed Addy since she'd seen her last, "Ya know? More like the 'tear shit up' types."

"Whoever controls the supply of bizkits controls the new world." Warren said as they walked further into town, "We want to make sure that we got the right people in charge."

"Bodies up ahead." 10K called, "At least two of them."

"Mercied?" Warren asked as he ran over to check them out.

"Looks like it." He called back.

"Yeah, there's another one here." Addy called branching off too, "And another." She turned the body over with her Z Whacker, "Farm workers."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant