"Anyone want anything?" he asked pouring himself a drink, "While we wait for our mystery Talker hero?"

"How many bars you got in this place anyway?" Doc asked him.

He chuckled, "Hey Doc, remember back in the day? When you accused me of being a sniveling coward letting other people fight my fights for me?"

"Yeah. Why have you changed?" he asked chuckling knowing what the answer would be.

"No. I just learned to swing first." He said putting on his spiky leather gloves as they heard a car pull up.

"I think this is it." Warren said looking out the window with George. She reached for her gun but didn't cock it so there wasn't a bullet in the chamber.

"What's the plan?" George asked.

"We wait for them to start to unload. I'll talk up the driver, you guys protect the payload, remember this is not an attack, we are all on the same team, but be ready for anything. Okay, on my count, three, two –"

But then a weird feeling came over him and he swore he started hearing Lucy's voice.

"Murphy?" Warren asked seeing the expression on his face, "What is it?"

"It's Lucy." He said before rushing out the door and running down the fire escape toward the truck. He pulled open the door and the driver already had a gun to his face.

"Don't move." They threatened.

He paused a moment making sure he really was seeing who he was seeing, "Addy?"

"Well of course, you're the 'big red one'." She said sarcastically with a smile, her red bangs over her missing eye while the other one lit up in amusement.

Third Person POV

Warren and George had joined Addy at the bar in the basement of Limbo after they'd moved her latest group of Talkers inside. Addy already had a drink and the bartender poured one for Warren and one for George.

"Addy, this is my good friend George." Warren introduced them and Addy nodded in her direction.

"So the Talkers you've been helping." George began, "Have you come across one named Dante?"

Addy's head snapped over to George and the look in her one eye wasn't friendly. Then she turned to Warren.

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. I know what you're gonna do!" she said getting up and sounding very drunk, "This is what you're into now? You're gonna get him executed!"

"Right now Dante is a fugitive, a trial will clear his name." George defended herself.

"We have all seen what kind of trials Talkers get. He's better off exactly where he is." Addy yelled at her.

"Where is that?" George asked picking up on Addy's slip up.

"Hey, hey talk to me." Warren said drawing Addy's attention but she only shook her head.

"It's been real Warren." She said unenthusiastically. "Bye, bye."

"Addison –"

"I'm out of here." she said storming out and they followed. When they got outside Addy was already fighting off a pack of zombies and even for as drunk as she was she was holding her own. Warren jumped in anyway and had her back.

"Just like old times huh?" Addy asked sarcastically.

"Yeah you and I have history Addy." She said mercying a Z. "I used to think of you as my lieutenant."

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