"Aww, you cold cupcake?" he asked and she recognized him as the guard from yesterday, the one who'd been rude to her. "Shame a pretty little thing like you has to rot away in here." he continued not bothered by the fact that she was ignoring him as she rested her head on her bent knees and looked at the wall. "You know, I'd be willing to put in a good word for ya with Estes, maybe get you out of here quicker. . . "

He waited a moment to see if she'd reply and when she didn't he tried again, "See these new laws about not helping the Talkers, they weren't in place when you helped that half dead guy, I could point that out to Estes and maybe he'll give you a lighter punishment. . . " he paused again to see if she'd react, "As of right now anyone who helps a Talker, well they start out in here like you cupcake then they get a trial, then when they're found guilty it's a choice of Talker or mercy for them. See to me that sounds like the same thing, being a Talker these days, that's just like a slow death. Without the bizkits they're all starving until they're too far gone and we put 'em down. It'd be a real shame to do that to you cupcake."

She tried not to break at that and keep her mind calm and clear, that was the only way she'd get out of here, letting her emotions get the best of her wouldn't help in the slightest.

"That new guy that came here, the one that you like." He began again and she tensed at the mention of 10K, "He's missing a hand now ain't he? So even if you got out of here and got to be with him again, how good could he really be to ya? But see if ya want a real good time I know my way around a woman. And I could get'cha out of here. Kind of a 'you scratch my back I'll scratch yours' type deal. So what do ya say cupcake?"

She lifted her head from her knees and turned to him, "How can you get what you want if you're out there and I'm in here?" she asked and he smiled seeing her response as an acceptance and he reached into his pocket and took out the key. He opened the door and stepped inside, he closed it and reached between the bars to lock it again before he took a few steps closer to her and she stood up. She was shaking a bit and knew the tears were starting to sting her eyes but that only seemed to make him smile wider. She started undoing the buttons of her flannel as she approached him and he took off his jacket and flung it to the other corner of the cell. When she reached him she rested one hand on his chest and the other on his belt buckle before she hesitated and took a deep breath before dragging her hand down his chest and joining it with the other one as she started to undo his belt. She was halfway done when he wove his hand into her hair and pulled her face up and started kissing her. She kissed back and took a few steps forward until his back hit the bars next to her cell door. His grip in her hair tightened as she got his belt out of the loops and held it in one hand while her other started undoing his fly. He groaned into her mouth as she brought up her hand with the belt and rested it by his neck as he deepened the kiss. As she tugged his pants down she also discreetly wove the belt through the bars behind him and once his pants dropped around his ankles she brought up her other hand to his neck and grabbed the leather. She'd only have a second and if this didn't work she'd probably die right here on the cell floor. Quickly she pulled both hands and redid the buckle of his belt only now it was tightly around his neck, she pulled on the end of it and he made a choking noise as she turned the belt so it would be out of his reach on the other side of the bars. Then she ran from him and dove for his jacket on the ground and took out the keys. She quickly undid the lock on the door and made a break for it but not before the guard was able to twist and reach a hand out and grab her by the hair. She repressed a cry of pain not wanting to draw attention, one guard she could maybe handle, if more showed up it was game over for her. She used the keys in her hand and made a fist making sure there was a key between each knuckle, a trick one of her brothers had shown her back Pre-Z. Then she turned and punched him getting him in the eye with one of the keys and making him let go. He also slipped, tripping on the pants around his feet and when he slid down the wall he made a choking sound. She hadn't done the belt tight enough to suffocate him but unless he was standing he'd cut off his own breathing. As he struggled to stand again Bailey got to the end of the hall and found a few lockers. She opened and checked all of them until she found the one they'd stored her weapons in after they'd been confiscated. She grabbed her hatchet, her knife and her gun from Cassandra and took off, desperate to find a way to escape Altura.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now