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First Tutoring Session.


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IT WAS NOW TWO WEEKS SINCE THE NIGHT OF THE PARTY AND THE FIRST DAY OF LAKEN AND CEDRICS TUTORING SESSIONS. To say Laken was nervous would be an understatement. This was something she had dreamed of, well not the tutoring but being alone with Cedric, ever since her first year. And now that day was finally here she was ready to throw herself off the astronomy tower and call it a day.

Mia could sense her friends nerves and did her best to calm her down, it had worked for a while but now that it was only thirty minutes away the blonde was freaking out.

So that lead to now, Laken pacing the common room while Mia, Hermione, and Ginny watched her with amused expressions. The boys luckily weren't there as the twins and Lee were upstairs planning a prank and Oliver seemed to have been avoided not only Laken but Fred to.

"Don't you think you're overreacting?" Ginny asked with a raised eyebrow causing Laken to turn and give her a look.

"Don't even give me that Gin, Harry could literally look at you and you would almost faint."  Laken replied causing Ginnys cheeks to go bright red.

Hermione nodded in agreement before Mia spoke up.

"Why don't you go ahead and study before you go, that way you will seem smarter."

Laken thought about it for a moment before shaking her head. "I can't, to much is on my mind. What color will he wear? What if I make a fool out of myself? What if he talks about she who shall not be named?"

"Cho?" Mia asked in confusion.

"SHE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED!" Laken yelled causing the three girls to jump and try to hold in their laughter at their friends dramatics.

"Laken, you know I love you, but you should probably be studying instead of worrying about what Diggory is going to wear to your tutoring session." Hermione said sternly.

Before Laken could reply Ginny stood up and clapped her hands to get everyone's attention.

"Okay Laken, time for you to skidatle before you're late, have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." The ginger said as she pushed her towards the door of the common room.

"But what if-" before Laken could finish the door was slammed in her face. She huffed angrily before turning around and making her way towards the library.

"I hope he wears grey."


HE WORE GRAY. That was the first thing Laken noticed as the Diggory boy approached her in the library with a charming smile on his face.

"Hello Laken, have a nice day?" He asked as he sat down across from her.

"It's been pretty good. Yours?" She returned the question.

"Great. So I was thinking we start with something simple." Cedric said before going on more about the potions they could pick from.

In the end they settled on a Dragon Dung Fertilizer potion.

"So you know what this potion does correct?" Cedric asked as he laid a pot of soil on the table in front of her.

Laken hesitated for a moment before speaking. "It helps the plant grow correct?"

"Right." Cedric gave her a bright smile which she returned.

Forty minutes later they finally finished the potion and were ready to test it.

"Are you sure I did this right? I won't like blow our heads off or something?" Laken asked cautiously causing the boy to laugh.

"No Laken, you won't blow out heads off." Cedric said as he continued to laugh, a bright smile on his face causing her stomach to erupt in butterflies.

"Okay." Cedric said as he stopped laughing. "Go ahead now, add it to the soil."

Laken nodded before staring to pour the potion in the soil bucket, wincing slightly as it made a slight hissing sound.

It was silent for a moment, nothing happening as Laken and Cedric looked down in the pot with looks of wonder on their faces.

Laken sighed as she pulled back. "See? I suck at this. I'm gonna fail in life and never-"

Before she could finish talking Cedric lightly grabbed her face in his hands and turned it towards the pot which now had a small flower rising from it.

"See?" Cedric whispered as if he didn't want to disturb the plant. He was watching her closely as her eyes widened in excitement at the fact that she had did the potion right. "You can do anything you put your mind to."

Laken turned her head towards him, not noticing how close their faces were until right at that moment.

They locked eyes and smiled at each other.

Suddenly Cedric looked back at the pot and picked the now fully developed rose before handing it to her.

"Keep up the good work Laken." Cedric smiled at her before grabbing his things and walking away, leaving Laken there to smile at his retreating form like an idiot.

Laken used a spell to clean up the mess they had made before grabbing her own things, getting ready to leave the library when a voice called out from behind her.



"Can we talk?"

The next chapter can end in one of two ways, drama or drama. But either way you're getting a surprise.

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