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Fool Hedgehog.

⚠️WARNING! Smut ahead. I tried to make this as dirty as possible but I'm shit at writing smut. I even tried to get ahold of the writer of Golden Boy to help me out lmaoooo. Just know I tried really hard to make this mega detailed so sorry if I disappoint.⚠️

"YOU HAVE A WHAT?" Lee and the twins yelled together as they stared at Laken with wide eyes.

The four were currently up in the boys room and Laken had just explained to them the letter she had received earlier that day.

"My reaction exactly." The girl clicked her tongue as she flopped back onto Freds bed. "Honestly my life is a total mess"

"Yea I can tell." George breathed out, a look of disbelief on his face as he thought back on the information he had just learned.

"A secret brother? What's next? Is your lost daughter going to show up on your doorstep?" Lee joked as he rolled over onto his back and stared to make weird baby noises.

Laken snapped her head over in his direction. "Hey! How do you know about Emily?"

The three boys instantly looked at her with dropped jaws causing her to roll her eyes.

"Bloody hell I'm joking." She told them, watching them sigh in relief before she continued. "My son however could show up any day."

"Cool. I can teach him how to get all the ladies." Lee said as he pushed his hair back and threw her a wink.

George scoffed at his friend. "Please, you can't even ask a girl out."

"Can too!" Lee argued.

"Can not!"

"Can too!

Laken laughed as the two boys started to wrestle, not noticing Fred approaching her with a frown on his face until the spot next to her on the bed dipped down.

"Hey." The ginger boy said, grabbing her face and turning her head to look at him. "Are you okay doll?"

Laken had to stop the squeal bubbling up in her throat at his concern. He had a slight frown on his face as he rubbed his thumb across her cheek in comfort. It was adorable.

"I'm fine Freddie, just a bit shocked and stressed but everything happens for a reason right?" She gave him a reassuring smile, taking his hand off her face and giving it a light kiss before holding it in hers.

A large smile grew on Freds face at her actions and the second she turned to look back at Lee and George he did a fist pump in victory with his free hand. His plan was totally working, maybe she would fall for him after all. Probably not, but he had hope.

"Hey I have an idea!" George exclaimed as he sat up, his ginger hair all over the place and his eyes wild as he jumped to his feet.

"And what's that?" Laken asked with furrowed eyebrows as she watched her friend rush over to his dresser.

"I got this from a good friend. You're stressed and this is the perfect de-stressor."

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