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Meet the Blacks.

LAKEN BLACK DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN HOW SHE FELT as she looked down at the torn newspaper in front of her

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LAKEN BLACK DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN HOW SHE FELT as she looked down at the torn newspaper in front of her. Was she happy? Scared? She honestly didn't know. Her whole life everyone had made her father out to be a monster. A cold blooded killer. Did she believe these things? Once again, she didn't know. She didn't want to believe it, after all who wants to believe that the only family they have left is rotting away in Azkaban for a crime they might not have even committed.

In his picture he looked like he had lost his mind, lost himself. She wasn't surprised, of course twelve years in Azkaban would take a toll on someone. Though she couldn't remember him very well it still hurt her to see him like that. The man she remembered as he rather was a good man. The man who sang her to sleep and held her as she cried. The man who stepped up and played the part of both mother and father when her mother walked out the door and never returned. So seeing him so broken hit her hard. She wanted to hold him like he used to her, to reassure him that everything would be okay.

A large hand was placed on her shoulder and she jumped as she was brought back down to reality.

"You okay love?" Fred asked in concern as he glanced from her face to the paper she was holding tightly between her small fists. George stood behind him wearing the same look of concern on his face. The Weasleys, except for Ron, were some of the few people that knew who her father was. The others being Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, and her best friend and occasional hookup partner, Oliver Wood.

Laken nodded her head as she crumpled the paper up and threw it to the bin sitting next to her.

"Yea I'm fine, just shocked. I don't think what everyone says is true. You don't have to agree with me but I think he is innocent. Either way I'm going to try not to think about it, it'll just hurt more. This year I have more important things to worry about, like quidditch and school stuff." She gave them a fake smile. Of course she wasn't okay, her father had just created a man hunt and she feared that if he were to be caught that his punishment would be a lot worse that being sent back to Azkaban. But she didn't want to worry the twins so she kept her mouth shut.

Fred saw past her act, but he chose not to question her. She would tell him when she was ready. So instead of confronting her he returned her smile and gave her a small nod.

"By more important things do you mean win the heart of Cedric Diggory? Because you say that every year yet you never make any moves." George snickered as she punched him playfully in the arm. "But seriously, how do you expect to win over Diggory when you are constantly shagging Ollie boy?"

In Lakens third year she joined the quidditch team, along with the title of Gryffindor chaser she soon developed the title of Oliver Woods best friend. He and the twins taught her everything to know about quidditch and she quickly became one of the best players on the team. In the beginning of her fourth year she had stayed after practice so Oliver could help her out a bit more, the twins had detention that day so they didn't get to stay and help her out along with the boy. The two friends got into a heated argument during their practice which somehow led to them shagging in the captains office. He took her virginity while she took his. They knew they shouldn't have done it, he was two years older than her after all, but after that day they just couldn't stop. This led them to a mutual agreement. No strings attached shagging buddies. Just two best friends who shagged on occasion. And by occasion I mean two-three times a month. Their agreement only held two rules, one was that while they were in this agreement they couldn't sleep with anyone else. They didn't want to risk STDs so they stuck strictly to each other. If they wanted to shag someone else the deal was off. The second rule was that they had to keep it a secret. They both easily complied by those rules, that was until they were caught in the act. It was February and the two were getting it on after practice in the locker room when the Weasley twins walked in claiming to have forgotten their schools robes. After that followed a very awkward conversation and an agreement to keep it between the four of them. Though the twins were not thrilled, especially Fred, they agreed not to tell anyone.

Lakens eyes widened as she punched George once again, this time not so playfully. "We agreed to not talk about that!" She hissed quietly.

George shook his head lightly before glancing up at his twin who was clenching his jaw. Fred never bothered to hide the fact that he was deeply in love with their best friend. He had been since their first year. Not that he would ever admit it but even George fancied the girl their first year. They had seen her for the first time while she was putting on the sorting hat, they found it adorable how that hat was to big for her head so it fell and covered her entire face causing the girl to crinkle her nose in distaste at the smell while the rest of the hall laughed at her cuteness. Though Georges crush soon faded once he realized how much his brother truly fancied her.

"Technically we agreed not to tell anyone, we never said we wouldn't talk about it." George spoke smugly with a smirk.

Laken huffed in frustration before pulling her two ginger best friends in for a hug. She hadn't seen them all summer due to them being away on vacation. She spent her vacation at home with her Uncle Lupin and an occasional visit to the Woods.

"I missed you two bulb heads." She smiled as they returned the hug.

"We missed you too Mrs. Weasley." They said together causing her to roll her eyes at their nickname. They had given it to her second year as they were positive she would marry one of them in the future because "no one can resist the Weasley charm."

The three talked about their summers and caught up before Ron broke them out of their conversation, he was loudly discussing his trip to Egypt with Harry who had joined the group not long before. The twins and Laken walked up to the two boys as Ron was showing off their family picture.

"Egypt. What was that like?" Harry asked in interest as he listened intently to every word Ron was saying.

"It was brilliant! Loads of old stuff like mummy's, tombs, even Scabers enjoyed himself." Ron told him as he looked down at his rat with love. Laken never understood how he could love a rat, though she did resemble one each morning after she woke up and people still loved her so perhaps looks aren't everything.

"You know they worshipped cats right?" Hermione asked as she stroked the orange cat on her lap. Laken smiled at the younger girl, though she was often a know it all she still loved her, along with Ginny, like the younger sister she never had.

"Yea, along with a dumb beetle." Ron said as he looked at the cat in disgust.

"You're not flashing that clip about again are you Ron?" Fred asked as he walked behind his younger brother and snatched the paper up.

"I haven't shown anyone." Ron said as he looked up at his two older brothers.

"No not a soul." George shook his head in false denial. "Unless you count Tom."

"The day maid."

"The night maid."

"The cook."

"That bloke who came to fix the toilet."

"That wizard from Belgium."

"And me." Laken smirked at the youngest Weasley boy who blushed and turned away causing his brothers to laugh and Laken to smack them on the back of their heads.

"You know." Laken started as she took a seat between the twins. "I think you two look rather adorable in that picture. All decked out in your Egyptian wear and such."

The twins both turned to smirk at her.

"Laken darling-" George started

"We look adorable in every photo." Fred finished before looking into her eyes and winking.

Laken laughed lightly before turning her attention to Mr. Weasley who was talking to Harry in private, every once in a while the man would glance up at her and it didn't take her long to figure out what they were discussing. But he wouldn't tell Harry would he? That Sirius Black was her father?

Fred followed her eyes and quickly figured out what was going on in her mind. He placed his hand on her leg to capture her attention before shaking his head at her lightly.

"He wouldn't tell." Fred reassured her quietly just incase anyone was listening in."

Looking into his eyes Laken found herself believing him. Her secret was safe for now. But she knew it wouldn't be long until Harry figured it out himself.

And when he did, it wouldn't be pretty.

Here is chapter one!
Half of you are probably here from that TikTok so Heyyyyy lol.
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