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"OI BROTHER BEAR! Where'd you get those jeans? Dumbledores wardrobe?" Laken snickered as she caught up with her big brother who was walking down to the Black Lake where he was supposed to be meeting her.

"From yours actually." Fleamont replied, kicking out his leg to show off the large jeans that looked like they had been made by Adam and Eve.

"Dumbledore probably left them there." Laken said casually as she looked around for her furry companion.

"Yea that makes since." Fleamont said before his eyes grew wide and he looked down at his little sister who was trying her best to hold in a laugh. "Wait what-"

"Shhh. It's me and Dumbledores little secret." She winked before looking at something over his shoulder. "Ah come here Padfoot! Where have you been boy?" She asked the dog she hadn't seen much lately. Ever since the night Remus retrieved the Marauders map Padfoot had been around less and less leaving the girl to lay around and wait for him to arrive for hours only for him to never show.

After she had found out her father was truly innocent Remus had told her to lay low and keep quiet, she was only able to share the news with Fleamont for obvious reasons.

"Padfoot?" Fleamont asked in confusion as he reached down to pet the dog. "I thought his name was Midnight."

"It was." Laken sighed as she slumped against the tree. "I changed it, Padfoot suits him better."

"I agree." Fleamont said before walking over and sitting next to her, leaving a space in between them for Padfoot to lay down. "How are things with Fred?"

"Nothings changed." Laken sighed as she ran her hands over the dogs black fur. She had told her brother a little of what happened with Fred but left out the sex and the name calling. "He wants to talk."

"Then let him talk." Fleamont told her. "I get he did some bad things, and I feel like you aren't telling me everything and that's fine, but he's been your best friend for a long time. If you both don't work out in a relationship that's fine, but don't let it affect your friendship."

"You're right." Laken agreed as she shot her brother a small smile. "I have a date with Cedric in the morning, but I'll talk to him afterwards."

They were both silent for a moment before Laken broke it by whispering quietly.


"Yea?" He whispered back just as quietly.

"Do you think dads okay?" She asked softly, to zoned out to notice the dog at her side perk up at her words.

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