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Prank on Snape.......or maybe not.


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"Are you guys excited for the prank on Snape today?" George asked the two with a smirk on his face. This prank was a bit different then most but he was excited for the outcome. Snape would more than likely want their heads after this one.

"Oh yea. He's never gonna see it coming." Fred snickered as he threw his arm around Lakens shoulder, she smiled a bit at the action which made his smile grow wider.

"Pranks on the first day? Mums gonna kill you lot." Ron said as he passed the three in the hallway.

"What mum doesn't know." George started.

"Won't hurt her." Fred finished while sending his younger brother a warning look. Ron had a big mouth and that was no secret.

"What's the plan this time?" Harry asked as he joined in on the conversation, it looked as if the golden trio was going in the same direction.

"That's for us to know and you to dot dot dot." Laken smiled before grabbing the twins hands and pulling them into the DADA classroom. "See you later alligator."

The twins and Laken sat down in the back of the class, having hushed conversation until a throat cleared behind them.

"Laken, can I talk to you for a quick moment?" Lupin asked as he raised an eyebrow at Fred's arm which was around her shoulder. The girls cheeks turned red, she knew her uncle would take this the wrong way. For some reason he was convinced she would one day marry the Weasley boy. Why? She couldn't tell you considering she didn't know herself.

"Yea." Laken shrugged off Fred's arm before following her uncle out of the class.

"Sooooo." He started casually. "You and Fred huh? It's about damn time."

Laken rolled her eyes.

"Uncle Remus, you know that Fred is my best friend. Nothing more. He would never see me like that. Anyways, you know It's always been Cedric." She explained as she played with the him of her shirt. Fred didn't see her that way, right?

Lupin raised an eyebrow at her words, he wanted to laugh but there were just some things she needed to figure out herself.

"Dear, you are blinder than Harry Potter without his glasses." He mumbled to himself.

"What was that?" She asked as she looked up at him.

"Nothing." He cleared his throat before getting onto the point. "Sorry I didn't get to ask you about yesterday, I was sorting out some things. How was the train ride? The dementors didn't scare you to much did they?"

Laken grew suspicious of his quick reply but answered his questions anyways.

"The train ride was good, and no they didn't scare me to bad. Cedric saved me from one and that alone was enough to distract me until it was over." She shrugged but her heart beat sped up at the memory. She still had to talk to him like she said she would. "How about you?"

"That's good, Diggory is a good kid. I still like Fred better but eh you do you I suppose. I was fine, I shared a compartment with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Could have been worse. I'm glad you're okay." Lupin said honestly. Fred was the better option in his opinion, but at the same time he had barley ever spoken to the Diggory boy so he couldn't judge.

Laken rolled her eyes. He would never drop it. She had made the mistake of telling her uncle about her small crush on Fred third year and ever since then he hadn't let it go. Even if she insisted the crush had long since passed.

"We should get back to class before the twins do something stupid. If they haven't already." She told him before heading to the door.

"Oh and Laken?" Lupin called from behind her causing her to spin around and raise a brow at him in question. "Stay out of trouble please. It's the first day back, you don't want a detention so soon do you?"

"Wouldn't dream of it sir."


Lunch soon approached and it was time to put their plan into action. Everyone else was in the Great Hall while Laken, Fred, Lee, and George all hid behind a wall, a remote in George's hand as they waited for their prank to play out.

What was the plan you may ask? Well, the four friends got their hands on a tape recorder and had a blast recording fake moaning sounds. Then they took said recorder and placed it in a closet nearby Snapes classroom so when the man walked past, which they knew he would because he always came to meals late, George would press a button on the remote and the recorder would blast moaning sounds. Snape, not being able to pass up an opportunity to take house points, would open the closet door. But instead of being met with a needy teenage couple, he would get covered in white paint and owl feathers. Not the best plan but it would make due.

"If I die, make sure Laken eat her veggies." Lee sighed as he peaked around the corner again.

"Why veggies? Why not bacon?" Laken asked.

"Because L, you can't live off of bacon. It's not healthy. See this is why I stay on your arse about not eating probably." Lee rolled his eyes.

"You can't just tell a girl that Lee. Take your veggies and shove them-" before the girl could finish Fred placed a finger on her lips and shushed her. Oh okay.

"He's coming."

The four peaked around the corner, indeed he was. The shadow was slowly getting closer and the group hid once again. Waiting until they heard the footsteps get closer to make their move.

Soon enough the footsteps were only feet away.

"Now!" Fred hissed and George quickly hit the button, the sounds of moans and groans filling the hallway seconds later causing the four friends to bite their lips to prevent laughter.

The footsteps stopped, suddenly picking up speed as they made their way to the closet.

"Yea!" Lee whispered as he quietly high-fived Laken.

"Okay kids, I'm coming in on the count of three so I suggest you cover up.



Lakens eyes grew wide. That wasn't Snape, that was-

"Remus no!" Laken yelled as she jumped out from her spot. But it was to late.

There was loud popping sound and Laken gasped as her uncle was covered in paint and feathers. She would laugh in any other situation, but she knew that he would not be pleased with this incident.

He slowly turned around, his eyes narrowing on Laken and her three friends that now stood behind her with sheepish smiles on their faces.

He closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

"Detention. All of you. Laken, I will see you in my office afterwards we need to talk."

With that said the man cleaned up the mess on the floor using his wand and left to go clean himself.

Laken just stood their staring at the spot he just stood with a blank look on her face.

"You good love?" Fred asked her as he noticed her frozen stance.

"My uncle just heard me moan."

"Well, that will be a story for Thanksgiving."

Idk what this is but I felt the need to put some Laken and Remus time in.

What do you think?

Real drama starts soon, and by soon I mean next chapter probably😌

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