chapter 16

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Danie kisses me some more before we get out of the car. She starts to pull back but I pull her back to me for more kisses. I swear I'm becoming more and more addicted to her kisses.

"Mhhm baby we have to get out the car." Danie says to me pulling back from me.

I tangle my hands into her hair and give a gentle tug. She lets out a quite moan.

"I want more." I say to her

"More your ass will definitely get but we have to get out this car." Danie says to me and pulls my arms from her hair.

"But-" before I can say anything else Danie has me laid flat against the seat with her hips between my thighs and her hand wrapped around my throat.

"We're going to get out of this car." She gives my neck a tight squeeze.

"And you're going to behave until we get inside. Do you understand."  My thighs are completely slick with my own excitement. I can't stand it by it's own free will my hips push up against hers.

"Be steal" Danie commands me gripping my hips.

"So are you guys going to get out the car or what?" Alex says standing outside the car with the door open. I didn't even hear her get out of the car.

"Teagan you better behave and get your ass out of that car." Alex says giving commanding me with a smoldering look. She bites her lip and then swipes the bottom part of her lip with her tongue.

I moan at the sight and think about her tongue giving my clit a lashing.

"Fuck get to ass out this car now!" Danie says yanking me up carefully but firmly.

Damn I like it when she gets rough with me.

We start to head up to my apartment building but as we're going I see Imani  running past my building with no shoes on.

"Imani!" I shout and start to run after her.

"Teagan wait!"  Danie tries calls out to me and trys to grab me but I pull my arm away. My baby is out here running around by herself with no shoes on.

I try to run and catch up to her but her little feet are too fast and I'm running in heels. She runs around a corner and I follow suite after her. When I get around the corner to my dismay she's nowhere to be found.

"Damn it! I almost had her.!" I scream out.

"She was so close and I missed her." I feel my face start to dampen.

"You let her go again"   I hear a voice whisper across my mind

"Huh" I start to feel a tightness in my chest and stomach in an instant I'm transported somewhere else.

"This is all your fault! You killed our fucking child!" A teenage boy yells at me.

"I- i- I don't know what happened! I didn't do it! She was fine I would never harm her!"  I scream at the unknown boy standing before me.

"I knew I should have listened to my parents when they told me to leave you alone. I can't believe you killed our baby." The boy says and he storms out of the room slamming the door and leaving me in an intense silence.

I didn't do...I didn't kill my baby. Did I?

Alex and I have been shouting teagans name on the sidewalk for the past five minutes and she's not snapping out of it. Her eyes have a  glazed haunted look in them and she's just staring ahead and repeating over and over that she didn't do it.

"It's as if we aren't even here" Alex says looking as distressed as I'm feeling about not being able to be get through to her.

"What should we do?" I ask her.

"Call Naomi. Maybe she knows what's going on." She says and scoups Teagan from off the ground.

We head into her apartment building and I get out my phone to call Naomi.

"Wait what's her number?" I ask looking over at Alex.

"Uh I actually don't know. We both have Reid's number. Just call her."

I dial Reid's number and it takes a little bit for her to answer.

"What the fuck do you want!" Reid answers with a stank ass attitude.

"Bitch don't be snapping on me! Put Naomi on the phone.

"No the fuck! She sleep." She snaps at me again in a whisper.

"It's urgent just put her on the damn phone!" I yell at her getting impatient with her bitchy ass.

"It's too early in the morning for this shit!" I hear her say away from the phone. I hear her wake Naomi up and hand her the phone.

"Hello?" She answers in a sleepy voice.

"Something is wrong with teagan and we don't know what to do.."  I say running my hand through my hair. I motion for Alex to walk so we can head up to her apartment.

"What's wrong? Is she hurt??" Naomi ask sounding more awake.

" no she's not hurt. We don't know  what's wrong shes just is in a daze and keeps saying that she didn't do something. What do we do?!"

"Okay I'm coming over." She says and hangs up before I can say anything.

Authors note

I know it's been a very long time. I'm going to go back to being active. I've uploaded by request even though it's not long. Just to hold you guys over for a little bit until the next update. What day should I have my books be updated including this one? Keep them to Saturday? Go to Friday or Sunday?

Also intrigued by chocolate has reached 1k likes!!! Thank you to everyone that voted on the first book and are still reading this book!

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