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Alex(Alexandria) POV

"So you're telling me that you want to bring someone else into our relationship again! Did you not fucking learn from the first time!?? We have almost torn apart the first time around".

"I know baby, but I think it would be good for both of us. As crazy as this may sound I think it would be good, and we would both like her."
She's different than the other girl.

"Oh, so you already picked this bitch out!??" "
"Can I really trust your judgment this time? Have you been seeing her behind my back, and cheating on me?!"

" Of course not baby. I love you, and I would never cheat on you, but I'm not gonna lie and pretend like this girl hasn't caught my interest, and I want you to share her with me."

"What the fuck Alex I thought you only liked and dated studs!"
You keep having us be with a fem. Why not a stud?!"

" I never said that Danie You just assumed that since I was dating you. "I've always dated studs, and fems since I first discovered I was gay." danie gave me a seething look and I cringe because that didn't sound right even to me.

" I've honestly always wanted to have one partner from both worlds that I liked."

"So you trying to have your cake, and eat it to huh?? you fucking bitch! why am I not good enough for you!!" I cringe again because that definitely didn't come out right either.

"No look baby this isn't how I intended for this conversation to go." I rub my hands down my face because nothing is coming out how I envisioned it in my head. I feel like I keep on putting my foot in my mouth.

"I really can't believe you right now Alex.  you know what the fuck  happened the first time around!"  danie yells tugging her hair in frustration. she walks over to the couch and sits down. I follow her to the couch.

" Look baby you've told me before that you've dated fems sometimes, but you mainly dated studs because there aren't too many fems that peep your interest or that you have things in common with.   what if I found someone that we both have things in common with?" I say to her and I try grabbing her hands, but she snatches them away from me.

" Alex get out my face right now." she raises her hand as if to hit me, but then decides to get up and walk away from me. "I can't even believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth right now," she screams out.

I watched as danie walked right out of our house that we've been living in with each other for four years now. Most people would assume that just because I want to bring another person into our relationship that I'm not satisfied with the partner I have, but that's not true. Dannie is my baby, and I love her to death, but I can't deny that I'm starting to really like this girl that goes to the college we work at. I didn't intentionally seek her out after what happened three years ago, but the girl grew on me.

She has gorgeous dark skin, and I think she would be perfect for both of us. Her name is Teagan and she's around 5'5 and has these vivid blue eyes that are very much real. It's a genetic mutation of some sort. Some people are a little freaked out by them or think they're contacts, but they aren't.

She's what I liked to call skinny thick, and she has thick long curly kinky hair that some people would ask if it's a wig. what people fail to realize is that all black people can have long hair no matter what shade they are if their hair is well taken care of. Teagan clearly takes very good care of her hair.

I've noticed that she's been checking both myself and Danie out for the past year now. She's been crushing on us hard. The way she looks at me or danie whenever she thinks we're not looking gives her away. while she's been watching us I've been watching her too. She's sweet and soft-spoken, but she's feisty when mad and very out-spoken. This is ironic considering how soft-spoken she is you wouldn't expect some of the things that come out of her mouth. I'm really hoping I can get danie to try and get to know her.

WISTFUL IBC Book 2(Editing&Revising)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon