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"Alright, so where did it all begin." lex mumbles to herself and looks deep in thought for a moment before her eyes meet mine looking somber.

"bunny do you remember when we ran away into the forest, and we were trying to get as far away from them as we possibly could?" as she's talking danie comes into the room sitting some teacups and a pot down noisily onto the coffee table causing us to stop and look at her for a moment. she glares at lex and looks as if she's about to say something, but purses her lips and comes to sit down next to me. maybe she's still upset about their fight earlier....i look at danie for a moment longer and she gives me a tight smile. I turn back to lex to hear what she has to say.

"I do remember passing out from the stress of the running, and us not eating for days. i didn't know what happened to you at first. I woke up I was in a hospital bed with police surrounding me.....and your mom," she says to me and my body goes rigid as if cold water had been poured on me. I shake my head back and forth as if it'll clear my head that suddenly feels muddy.

"she was there?!" i ask in complete disbelief

"Mmhgh" danie says letting out a sound and I just ignore her and motion for Lex to continue on. No matter how shocking it is I have to hear every

Lex then goes on to tell how she overheard some CIA agents that she thought were just police, talk about how to catch their kidnappers. apparently they were criminals who had been on the run for years, and committing all types of illegal acts. Apparently lex and myself weren't the first two kids they had kidnapped along with their families for money.  when she over heard them talking she volunteered to go back as a spy and gain their trust. she said when she went back to the home of our kidnappers she had to prtend as if she was telling on me and had to do everything she could over the years to gain their trust. she said it was crusome because they didn't trust her for a while,but that even when George trusted her she had to be on 10 at all times,because his wife and others didn't trust her. She hadn't craed because gegroge was the boss and all that had mattered was that he trusted her at the time. I couldn't belive everything lex was telling us. she willing had went back and went through all of that.

"My birth parents had been killed like yours when i was much younger. i had came to them at thee age of five and they killed my parents and had used up all my parents money they left for me in such a short period of time." lex says lookinging down at her hands solemly and i see a tear drop on to her hand.

"bunny I'm so sorry for all the pain i put you through and your daughter,but i had to finish this mission. It was the only way to take them down for good,get revenge for my family and yours." lex says and tries to qukcly wipe her tears away. I get up from between alex and danie and give her a tight hug. for a moment i just let her cry in my arms. it must of been so hard on her to have to hold all this in for all these years.

"i forgive you lexy." i say to her using the nickname i use to call her when we were little. and it makes her cry even harder. I just rub her back and let her continue on letting everything out. Finally, her tears dry up and she pulls back to look at me, and give me a watery smile.

"Thanks. Please try to understand your mom as well. i cant tell you what she went through all this time, but reach out to her, and be open-minded and kind to her. she has been through so much as well. When your fathers died she had thought her life was over and was ready to end it, but the thought of you kept her going." Lex says to me earnestly causing me to tear up some. to overcome with emotion to speak i just nod my head.

WISTFUL IBC Book 2(Editing&Revising)Where stories live. Discover now