Chapter 18

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"Baby stop looking at your phone and don't call them." Reid says to me as I looked at my phone extensively.

"I can't help it I'm worried about her. I knew about her seeing imani,but I didn't think it would get to this point where she would be so worked up about a child that's not there." I swivel around in the chair I was sitting in to face Reid. She's typing up some music lyrics on a laptop.

"I know baby but danie and Alex has her."
She will be fine.

She signs to me and my heart melts. It fillls me with joy any time I see her sign to me. She's not fluent in it and she used to look a little uncomfortable doing sign language but now she does it without even thinking about it.

I love you so much

I signed back to her. She smiles at me and says.

"Alright let's hurry up and finish writing this music. Then we'll try and make a beat for it and progress from there okay"

"Okay" I say and continue working on my own personal lyrics. We're both making lyrics for my new EP. after we finish we're going on to compare our lyrics and figure out what to keep in the lyrics and what not to keep.

For a little bit we both type in silence until someone comes barging into the music studio disturbing our peacefulness.

"Reid this is one of our newly added artist." Says Reid's boss. In comes in a tall light skinned man with a a small beard and piercing green eyes.

"Hello" he says to Reid and i smoothly.

"This is Luther" Reid's boss says. I snicker a little because Luther is a funny name to have. Seeing me snickering the guy gives me a little glare and I turn away and look at Reid.

Reid is giving him one of her famous death glares and is sizing him up.

"Don't be glaring at my girl. Look at me not her." Reid says in a calm tone but behind that tone her eyes are showing a storm is brewing. Why the heck is she getting so keyed up for??

"I'm sorry excuse her. It's nice to meet you." I say to him trying to excuse Reid's rudeness. I'm not sure if she's feeling territorial or what.

"Anyway Reid I need for you to work on his new album. He's a pretty dope upcoming artist and he needs a hit." Her boss says.

"I don't know about this Cain. You think you can find me someone else. Her style of music and producing doesn't really match my style." He says arrogantly.

I can just see the stern coming out of Reid's ears at his comment. I reach over and rub her hand. I feel the tension leave her body a little bit she's still glaring at him.

" I have more important shit to do so if ya ass want to go to someone else go ahead and be my guest." Reid then tunes away from him and goes back to the mixing sound board and looking at the lyrics we were working on.

"Come on Luther don't be like that. Reid is one of my top producers working here and has produced my company hit after hit. She's the real deal and you'll be in good hands." Cain says and then turns to Reid.

"Do this for me Reid. Everyone else is good too but might not make a bop like the way you do." He says sincerely. He seems have a lot of respect for Reid despite her working for him.

"Alright man I'll only do it for you because you came to me personally to ask. Since it's you asking he must have some sort of talent. Unlike that bitch. What happened to her anyway?" Reid questions him and I listen because I'm nosey and would like to know too. We haven't heard about her or seen her in a minute.

"Her ass was just using me for the money. Plus she was a hoe. I caught that bitch having the nerve to be sucking some nigga dock inside my damn building. Almost put my hands in her ass. It momma raised me better than that."

He didn't hit her. I have respect for him for not doing that.

"I told you man. I tried to warn ya ass. It you was push whipped." Reid says laughing.

"Me pussy whipped. Neva. I'm forever pimping. I was playing her ass the whole time. I already knew what her ass was." I side eye him
Because he's definitely lying.

I see the guy Luther cough to cover a laugh.

"Alright Luther I'll take you on. My skills are pretty good and I'm good at matching songs to suite artist personality and singing style. Get here bright and early at 8am tomorrow. "

Luther looks a bit put off at the getting here at 8am bit.

"Can't we do it at 12pm "

"Be on time. " Reid continues ignoring his commment.

"You don't want to know what will happen if you're late. I take my work seriously." She finished off giving him a serious penetrating look. Then she turned to me and reached out for my hand.

"Baby let's go get lunch. I know you've got to be hungry." She says sweetly to me.

"Yes baby. I'm pretty hungry" I sign to her and then we head out.

For a week danie and I stayed over at teagans house to help her through her nightmares and break down. During that time Lexi popped over at her house a few times trying to see her. Danie almost beat her ass on a few occasions and I had to diffuse the situation.

After a week we're all finally back at school. It was pretty rough. Teagan would wake up screaming and wouldn't stop for a few minutes. She was still locked in whatever nightmare it was that had a hold of her. Danie and I didn't really want her to come back to school yet because she didn't any sleep all last week or over the weekend.

Even now I can tell she's exahsted while sitting in class. She's sitting all the way at the back of the room as we watch a documentary about music producers. I've had my eye on her the whole time,and each time she catches me looking at her she gives me a small smile that does nothing to reassure me.

As I'm staring at her I notice her start to slowly drift off and sleep and I let her sleep. Finally she's sleeping. I don't even care that it's at school. Suddenly I hear the bell ring and I watch her jump and look around her surroundings frantically as if she's looking for danger. After realizing where she's at she calms down. Teagan starts to slowly get her things together and all the other students exit the classroom.

I busy my self with pretending to work on my laptop until the final student leaves. Then I walk over to her and look at her. By now she has paused getting her things together and is lost in thought, so lost in thought that she didn't even hear me approach.

I reach out my hand gently grip her chin and turn her head up to me.

"Baby?" I stare deeply into her blue eyes.

"Hmm" she answers and continues to stare up at me.

"Baby!" I say a little more firmly snapping her out of the trance she was in.

"Are you okay? Do you need to go somewhere to sleep? Like our car or something.

"Alex I'm fine okay." She says laughing at me a little and I see a little spark of joy in her eyes at me worrying about her.

"Baby I'm seriously worried about you. You didn't get any sleep at all. You need to sleep."

Authors Note
Surprise! An update! Lol I know it ended weirdly. Sorry I've been gone so long y'all. It's a lot of stuff going on in my life right now. I'm going to try and get back in schedule. I want to also say thank you to everyone that voted on the first book in the Intrigued by chocolate series. It has 1.3k votes on it so I'm super happy and this book has 405 votes, so I'm happy about that too! Keep on voting and showing me love! I think I might turn the intrigued by chocolate series into a web series. If I do that would you guys give the web series a try? Let me know your thoughts and don't forget to vote and comment on each chapter!

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