Editing and Revising.

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I am now in the editing and revising part of this book and book two. Right now is the time for you guys as my beta readers to give me honest feedback about my books. Did the plot make sense? Did you feel there were any plot holes? Did you want to know more about something because maybe you didn't feel it was explained well or maybe you just wanted to know more? Do you feel like my characters are real to you and did you bond with them? Let me know you true thoughts.

      I won't be mad. Please be completely honest. In order for me to get better I will have to take constructive criticism. I don't take constructive criticism during my writing process because I feel it could hinder my writing process and creativity. I always feel everything can be polished up once I'm done completely. To me the important thing is always getting the story out first. So please tell me your true thoughts and opinions.☺️

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