chapter 29

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"no i didnt mean to!" i shout jumping out of my sleep. i sigh and hold my head in my hands. Still the same dream over and over again. i look around me and see the light of the moon peeping through a window.  everything comes rushing back at me. my baby is alive, Naomi had been kidnapped, and lex turning out to be a double spy.   I take a deep breath in to steady my racing heart that has yet to shake off the nightmare. I feel a shift in the bed and look down to see harlows tiny form nestled next to me. she has a small smile. i hear a creek and turn to see the bedroom door opening.

"oh we're sorry. did we wake you baby?" alex asks me in a hushed tone. she opens the door further and comes in a little propping herself against the door frame.danie follows not long after her. danie has a stoic unreadable look on her face. i stare back at her trying to figure out what she's thinking and watch as her gaze shifts from mine to the small form of harlow, and her face softenens. Awww

"you guys didn't wake me. i just had a nightmare." I tell them pulling the covers off my body and I slide to the edge of the bed.

"what are you guys doing up" i ask them stretching and reaching out to the ceiling, feeling my bones crack. I let out a small moan at how good it felt.

"We have been up for a little bit just talking. We couldn't sleep." I look over at Alex who's just smiling and looking a little suspicious. danie still has that stoic look in place.

"Is everything okay?" I ask them a little worried. My eyes bore into Alex hoping she'll spill the beans first.

"you're like a cat sometimes." danie says to me randomly not even answering my question. I cut my eyes to her at her randomness. She still has a stoic look but she lets out a snicker.

"Is that so?" I ask her laughing. She just gives me a small smile that stoic look finally dropping from her face. I don't know why she came in here looking so serious.

"Are you hungry baby? You both were asleep the whole car ride. We carried you both into here and you still were asleep." Alex asked shifting her weight off the door frame and walking towards me. Danie takes a few steps towards the bed as well but I notice her stay back some.

"Mommy I'm hungry." I jump a little not realizing she was awake. I look down at her tiny face staring up at me with so much love already be my heart warms. All I can think is this is my baby. My child.

I slip my hands under her tiny arms and hold her to me cuddling her. Then I plan tiny kisse on her face. Starting from her forehead to her nose and cheeks. She lets out a soft little giggle at my kisse.

"Mommy!" She shouts laughing and cuddles further into my arms. I get out of the bed still holding her in my arms and I shift her on to my waist.

"You guys are too cute." I hear Alex say softly and I look over to see her a little closer to the bed and giving us a gentle smile.

"Hey little cutie! What's your name again? I don't think we've been properly introduced." Alex says extending her hand out to Harlow. I look for danie and notice she's still by the door and with a look that I can't decipher. I wonder what she's thinking?

"My name harwo." She says pronouncing the L in her name like a w. She extends out her hand to shake with Alex. So cute!! My daughter is so adorable!!

"Harlow it's nice to meet you." Alex says shaking her little hand.
"And that person over is danie. She's being a little awkward and shy right now but she thinks you're so adorable as well!" Alex says noticing Harlow looking over at danie just as myself was.

Danie shoots her a glare but then her face softened and she walks closer to us.

"Hi sweety! It's nice to meet you." She says smiling at harlow gently and rubbing her head.

WISTFUL IBC Book 2(Editing&Revising)Where stories live. Discover now