chapter 3

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It's been about almost a year since that party and all the drama with naomi being kidnapped
I Still can't believe I almost lost my best friend. She shouldn't have survived being buried alive but she did.

The dinner I had with naomi and friends was a couple of weeks ago. It started off okay but then went all the way the fuck left starting with asha flipping out.

I think she might of been in love with reid when their threesome happened and now possibly naomi. Everyone must of been holding alot of shit in for the sake of naomi and reid, but once asha left and then naomi and reid left danie really chewed me out as if she couldn't stand not saying anything anymore.

Alex tried to calm her down but of course she snapped on her too. danie is even more hostile to me than she previously was. I get death glares in class and she no longer compliments me on my art work. I really miss her complimenting me on my work. It always made me feel happy and I felt like we were bonding over art. Now she dosent even do that with me.

I've also been having nightmares since that dinner. Almost every night I'm dreaming about a baby crying and then waking up to being paralyzed with a figure standing in my doorway looking at me telling me how awful of a person I am. I still don't know who this figure is or what I did but afterward, I'm exhausted but too scared to go back to sleep.

 I've been up all night painting haunting pictures of what paralyzes me when I wake from the nightmares. Then of what I feel after waking up. I paint pictures of pitch-black long terrifying creatures with hallowed-out glowing eyes. sometimes these figures even follow me in my waking life. it's gotten to the point where its hard for me to tell if I'm dreaming or sleeping at times.

As im sitting painting without a true thought or care in the world I hear my alarm go off letting me know it's time to get ready for school.I drag myself away from my art room and get into the shower. I sigh to myself thinking about how things are going to go today. I really hope danie dosen't give me too much of a hard time. besides those death glares she has also been giving me a hard time with my art. apparently she's feeling as if my paintings are empty and not creative like what I use to draw. well I don't think anyone would want to see these horror-filled drawings. sometimes I can't even take them. however, I would rather I'm up drawing the darkness in my dreams than facing them while asleep. i finish getting dressed and prepare myself for the long day ahead.

I went through the day in a sleepy daze. I wanted to sleep so bad but at the same time I know I can't sleep. I finally made it to danies class. day to do is exhausting enough, but coming into her class makes me feel even more exhausted once it ends.  It's the final class of my day thankfully. She's been glaring at me since I got in here but I choose to ignore her. I've become used to her glares now. as painful as they are for me I just brush them off. I'm trying hard not to fall asleep. I don't want the nightmares to come. I try my best to stay awake but I can feel myself fighting a losing battle. My eyes start to feel heavy. I blink once. Then twice,and then sink into oblivion.

Suddenly I hear a loud slam on my desk waking me up from my terrifying dream. For a moment I think I'm still dreaming until I blink a few times,and see danie standing in front of me.

"Did I fall asleep??" I say looking around the classroom to see everyone is gone. I look over at the clock to see it's been pass 20 minutes since the class had ended. Had she been watching me this whole time,and letting me sleep? I get a warm feeling thinking about her caring about me enough to watch me while I sleep. although danie can  be hot-tempered and a bitch she does have a caring side. 

"Yeah now get the fuck out my class. Your ass didn't even fucking pay attention at all."

Then like a douse of cold water I remember just how much hate danie has for me. She couldn't have been doing it to be nice. She's just bitchy at me for no reason at all times.

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