chapter 27

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i stare at my phone in complete bewilderment . to think this bitch had the audacity to tell me what the fuck to do! if she thinks I'm going to listen to her ass or trust her she has another fuckin thing coming.

"get a move on it tony." I say to my guy sitting up in the driver seat. i feel my phone vibrate and see a message from danie.

"if teagan gets hurt I'm beating your ass." her texts reads. i blow out a long puff of air and try to reel in my anger that's been waiting to burst from the first moment danie tried confronting me in the foyer. why the hell doesn't she understand I'm just as worried about teagan. an idea pops into my head suddenly and I decide to be petty.

"your wife is threatening me. can you call her off please." I text her wife. the only person I know of that can immediately make danie back off is alex. within moments of me texting alex i feel my phone vibrate again. i look down at my screen to see its danie again.

"you a little bitch. my wife don't scare me. I'm still going to beat your ass." The message reads and I simply don't reply back. i don't have time for her petty childishness, I need to prepare myself for whats to come.

moments later we all arrive at a location down the street from where they're located. the sport lex had us meet them at appears to be in some small rundown abandoned neighborhood. everywhere we look there's houses with windows boarded up,and plant life growing all on and around the houses. as we were coming down the road I had two of the cars with some of my men in them park further down the road,and had one park a little closer to our location,but not too much. we didn't want to be spotted. which left my car with tony,and me in it,and the car with danie and alex in it.  we all emerge from our cars slowly and quitely.

i walk over to danie and alex who are looking off at the house we see teagans car parked three blocks down the road. its a old shabby looking house that looks like a trap house. honestly I wouldn't even be surprised if that's exactly what it is.

"that bitch told our baby to meet her at a fucking trap house!" danie whispered yelled. alex pust a restraining arm on her wrist to calm her down. for a second danie looked as if she was about to take off down the block.

"what do we do now reid?" alex ask me looking to me for guidance. i think about how long its been since we've known each other. never did I think that we as artistic geniuses would be put into this predicament.

"my men and I will wait for some time and wait for the signal from teagan to go. you guys will stay here." I tell them,and I see both their faces start to twist up. before I can explain danie starts going off on me in a hushed whisper.

"bitch if you think were about to stay our asses right here while our baby is in there you got us fuckd up!" she says walking up to me. my boy tony  put his hand up to her chest stopping her before she can reach me any further.

"oh so now your goon is going to fight your battle??" danie says to menacingly. i just stare at her a little shocked. where does she get all this anger and mouth to pop off. in a instant she just be going off irrationally.

"I understand that but this is dangerous and as far as I know neither of you know how to use a weapon do you? nor are you trained in combat. we don't know how many damn people is in that house armed. it would be better for you to both stay here!" I snap at them both and stare them down daring them to say anything else about coming.

"bitch i will-" danie says  working her way around Tony's arm and storming to me, but is lifted off the ground and dragged over to the side of her and alex's car. i hear them both arguing in hushed whispers. then I hear danie breaking down in tears. they come back around from the side of the car and danie gives me a mean look before flipping me the bird and looking off into the distance.

"We will stay here for now,but if we feel we need to come in we will. We will not just stand here if we hear her in danger." Alex says calmly and gives me an assured and determined look that let's me know that's all I'll be able to get from them. I don't want them going in at all but I can't hold them back.

"I understand. I'll leave a few of my men here for you guys just in case. You guy's have the ear piece right?" I ask her and she pulls the small ear piece from her pocket.

"Okay good. Turn it back on if you turned it off and listen on to what's being said." We both put the small earpiece in and listen in to what's going on.

"Little girl sis you really think you would have gotten rid of us so easily. Just because you thought the police came to save you didn't mean you actually got rid of us." We hear some man say as he tauntingly laughs at her.

I look over at danie and Alex to check how they're doing. Alex is stoned face and danie has everything she's feeling clearly written on her face. Her body locked into place with her fist balled as she continues to listen to the man taunt Teagan.

"Now tell us the fucking code to the safe bitch!" We hear him yell at her.

"I don't know what code you're talking about!" Teagan says back calmly. I know even though she sounds calm that she is truly scared.

" we should or just killed you along with your parents that night! You good for nothing bitch!" We hear aloud smack and what sounds like someone hitting the floor. I look over at danie and Alex again and I seee tear streaming down danie face.

" I told you I don't know. My parents never gave me the information to stuff like that. I was just a kid at the time you guy's kidnapped me! How the fuck am I supposed to know something like that!" Teagan says screaming at the man who I'm assuming to be her childhood kidnapper.

"Lex ass been working with their fucking kidnappers! How the fuck does that happen! When I get my hands on this bitch I'm fucking her up!" Danie yells and let's put a frustrated cry and kicks my car. I get ready to yell at her fo kicking my shit but I simply let it go because we've got bigger problems to worry about than my car.

"Don't talk back to me you little bitch!"  We hear the guy yell and we hear Teagan let out a soft whimper.

"Bill if we start beating her she won't be able to give us ideas of what the code could be. Maybe it's her birthday or something that they told her without her realizing it. Like a precious memory or some shit."  We all hear lex say.

"When the fuck are we moving in on them. I want to kill that bitch!" Danie says heatedly.

"We're not going in yet but since it's a couple of blocks from us we can at least start making our way down there. Stay here." I tell Alex and danie and hold up my hand for danie to stay put.

I signal for Tony and a few of my men to come following me down the road. As we're walking down I continue listening in on the conversation they're having.

"Like I said goa head and think of some shit!" The man named bill continues yelling at Teagan.

" I just told you I can't think of what it could possibly be." Teagan says crying at this point.

"Just hang in there Teagan. We're coming."  I whisper to myself as my boys and I continue our walk down the block.

Authors note.
Sorry if this chapter seemed a little short. As I've stated I've been not feeling great about steady finding books that seem to have copied some things I've done or either books I've put up as ideas. If you guy's can at least make sure you're supporting me enough so that my books stay elevated above theirs and get recognition before them that would be great and give me encouragement to keep going and keep my books up on here. Please continue to support me and don't forget to vote on each chapter and share my book if you're enjoying it! Both my books appear to be doing good so that makes me happy. I appear to be getting new readers each day so that makes me very happy. Hello to all my new readers and  I hope you're enjoying my stories.😊

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