chapter 28

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I'm still laying on the damp floor of this basement. I hope Reid comes to get me soon. suddenly I hear the creaking of the door open. I quickly sit up so that I'm not in a vulnerable position. I hear the sound of my own heartbeat thumping in my ears as I wait for one of the big burly men to come in through the door. instead of hearing the loud thumping of big feet, I hear soft footsteps quietly come into the room. the room is dark and only with one light on right above me.

To my shock I see the outline of a young child come into the room. why is there a child here? as I study the outline of the child I notice She's carrying with her a plate that has a sandwich and some chips on it. she carefully comes further into the room and as she comes further into the light and closer to me I gasp. staring at me with an excited grin is a child with the same blue eyes as Teagan and skin the shade of ebony. she waves at me excitedly and places the food down in front of me, and then she sits down crisis cross.

"hi te te." she says to me slowly so that I can pick up on her words. I hold back my tears as I try to give her a smile. how is it possible that this child is alive?

"hi, sweety," I say back to her.

"eat." she signs to me. how does she know sign language?

"Lexy says you can understand me when I talk, but that it's easier for you I sign," she says to me. her little voice is so adorable. 

"yes that is true, but I have these." I take out one of my hearing aids to show her. she leans over to curiously look at the hearing aide.

"what's it do?" she ask me, and looks up at me with a puzzled look. She's so darn cute!

"it's called a hearing aid. with it i can hear sound much better. without them, i can hear a little,but a person needs to be right next to me like this in order for me to hear." i demonstrate to her what i mean by leaning in closer to her,.

"wow that's so cool! can i hold it?" she ask me innocently. i let her hold my hearing aid,and she continues to look at it closely. then she hands it back to me and i put it back into my ear.

"do you know when my mommy is coming?" she asks me catching me off guard.

"you know who your mom is?" i ask her not too sure if she means teagan or someone else. 

"yeah. mommy has the same eyes as me,and i met her at the park. plus i have lots of pictures of her." she says to me enthusiastically and opens her arms wide to show me just how many pictures she has. i laugh at her. kids are so adorable.

"how old are you,and whats your name?" i pick up the sandwich that's been waiting for me,and the taste of the sandwich was like a slice pf heaven. i haven't eaten much of anything since they took me. they would bring in nasty beans and stale bread for me to eat,but i didn't eat much of it because it was disgusting.

"harwol and im four" she says and im starting to notice she has a slight lisp.

"harlow how did you know about your mommy?" i ask her. i find it a little hard to believe that the kidnappers were nice enough to tell her positive things about teagan,and give her a lot of pictures.

"lexy did! she always say mommy love me very much,and that i just cant see her for a little bit. she said tonight i get to go home with her." harlow says and clasp her hands excitedly. i font know if what lex told her is true. i want her to come home with us,but im sure their goal was never to give harlow back in the first place. i smile at her and pull her into my arms for a hug.

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