chapter 12

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After Danie and Alex leave I turned to look at Ms lex.

"I think I know you," I say my mind flashing back to bits of pieces of a dream I had while in my coma.

"I had a dream and you were with me running somewhere and calling me bunny. I can't remember why we had been running through or where to." I ponder over what I just said and try to see if I can remember anything else but I can't. How do I know her?

"It's okay bunny don't force yourself to remember everything. I know you've been through so much since the last time we saw each other. It's okay. I'm just glad you remember even if only a little."  Lex says giving me a hard warming smile.

"I got this for you." She says pulling a realistic-looking rabbit from behind her back.

"It's so cute." I say slowly reaching out to rub the ears of the realistic stuffed bunny. Lex brings the bunny closer to me so it's closer within my reach. I look up at her and smile.

"We're glad you're finally awake sweety." I hear Naomi's mom say. She gets up from the chair she's sitting in and wake over to me.

"I know going through heart break can be so very painful but don't ever do that to us again!" She says to me starting to cry.

I stare at her crying prettily. I've always thought Naomi's mom was so beautiful with her rich mahogony skin. Both Naomi's parent's were dark skinned and a very gorgeous couple. They very much reminded me of my own beautiful family who were also  brown skinned.

"I'm sorry Mom. I won't do it again." I say sniffing a little. I've always called her mom and Naomi's dad dad. When I came back from wherever I was taken from they treated me like their own daughter and let me call them my parents.

Although I loved that they let me call them my parents it didn't erase the emptiness of not having my own.

I watch as my dad comes up to mom and gives her a tight squeeze.

"It's okay honey." He says to her gently kissing the side of her head.

"Mom,dad I'm so sorry. It was just too much. She hurt me so bad. I just wanted the pain to stop. I wanted it to stop." I say to them starting to cry myself. I didn't just want the pain that Danie inflicted to stop but the pain that I have to go through daily that no one knows about.

"Aw sweety." Mom says to me and comes to hug me and then I feel dads and Naomi's arms surrounding me too and for a moment we all just hug and they give me words of encouragement. I love them all so much. They're my second family.

After a couple of seconds they all step back and grab tissues wiping their eyes.

The doctor comes in just as we all finished having our little moment.

"Okay Ms Louis all the test came back and you appear to be in good condition,but you may experience a bit of memory loss and some other side affects." The doctor says

Well it's not like I don't already have a huge ass chunk of my memory gone. What's some more going to do.

"Memory loss?" My mom says sucking in a breath. Dad rubs her arms to keep her calm.

" It's something that normally happens once you've awoken from a coma. Normally memory loss is short. You may even be a bit confused at times but it should subside." He says walking into the room a bit further to check my iv.

Too many side affects and it doesn't make me feel safe at all. I continue to listen on as the doctor list off more things.

"There may be other side affects but it's different for every patient. You can go home tomorrow. Just please keep us updated on anything you end up feeling or experiencing." He says writting something down on a clip board.

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