Babe (Alex x Willie)

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Things had been different lately.

Bobby quit the band after the Orpheum gig, said something about going solo.

And the boys had played but the band was missing something.

"What are we gonna do boys,"Luke asked.

They were walking along the beach, near the shops.

"Watch out!"

Alex was pushed to the ground, knocked over by a skateboarder.

"What the hell,"Alex exclaimed getting up.

"Sorry man,"The boy said taking his helmet off and letting his hair fly out.

Alex was speechless.

Reggie and Luke shared a knowing glance.

"It's alright,"Alex said.

"Cool, I'm Willie,"The boy said.

"I'm Alex,"Alex responded.

"Luke,"Luke said.

"Reggie,"Reggie finished.

"Well, sorry for bumping into you,"Willie said to Alex before he skated off towards the skate park.

Alex turned to look at Luke and Reggie, who were raising their eyebrows at him.

"What,"Alex asked.

"Oh come on,"Luke said.

"Dude,"Reggie finished.

It had been another week and now the three were playing for money on the beach near the skate park.

Luke was pretty sure Alex had suggested the location so he might run into Willie again.

"Something is definitely missing,"Luke said.

"Do you think we could convince Bobby to re-join,"Reggie asked.

Alex didn't say anything, the two boys looked towards him.

"Alex. Alex!"

Alex snapped out of his trance, and the two boys looked to where he had been staring.

Willie was standing in the skate park, talking to some girl.

"Alex, if you're not gonna focus we should leave,"Luke said.

"Sorry, I'm focusing,"Alex said.

"Let's just try to do Bright again,"Luke said.


The group started playing the song, but no one seemed to be listening and it didn't sound right.

"Maybe we should just give up"Reggie said as they stopped playing.

"We can't just give up,"Luke said.

"You need harmony, you're unbalanced."

The three boys turned to look at a girl sitting at a bench near by.

She walked up to them, laptop in her hands.

"What do you know,"Luke said.

"I've been sitting there for a while, heard you play that song earlier. Your music is unbalanced, there's too much of one sound and not enough of another,"She said.

"Who are you,"Alex asked.

"My name's Julie,"She said.

"Well then, how can we balance it,"Luke asked.

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