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End of the school day- Teachers workroom - UA

Nock Nock

"Come in."

You gently slide open the door looking around the workroom. You see All Might and Aizawa leisurely typing away at their computers.

"Why Hello, Young (y/n)! Is there something we can help you with?"

"Kind of. Have you seen Midnight?"

"She just finished her last class of the day. She should be around shortly."

Aizawa lazily slides his chair back connecting eye contact with you."I'm glad you came (y/n), wise decision. You can wait here till she returns. Is that all you needed?"

"No, actually. I needed to talk to you about the internship and also about, um, something else." You blush, trying to figure out how to word your sentence carefully.

All Might reads your expression, understanding the atmosphere.

"Ah, I shall be right back. I have a couple of papers to print." All Might's buff physique quickly exits the workroom as your attention sways back to Aizawa .

"Um, right. So, Sensei. I took you up on your advice and told Bakugo some stuff about....um....me" Aizawa glances up, understanding your awkwardness.

"Now, I understand. How did he take it?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure. I've never heard his tone so calm before. But I trust him not to say anything."

"Is that why you left the Sports Festival early?" You jump at the mention.

"Something...like...that, yes."

"Then let's keep this between us. I see no reason for anyone else to know you told Bakugo."

"Well, I don't mind All Might knowing about this, but I couldn't handle the "young love" commentary without getting flustered."

Aizawa huffs in what sounded like laughter. "Then I'll worry about bringing him up to speed. What is the second thing?"

"Why do I need a permission slip to be your intern. I find it insulting, even making me sign these lousy excuses of consent. It's not a field trip to the zoo."

"Did you look at the back?"

"There's a back?" Suprised, you rummage through your bag for the sheet, quickly turning it over to see the back, "Items need to pack list and Grade criteria?" Couldn't Midnight have told us all of this in class?"

"Can't argue when it's on paper. If she told you kids in class, I'm sure you all would have forgotten by the time class was done." Aizawa sheepishly turns back to his computer as you eye the sheet.

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, that's all." You take a seat watching the door waiting for the Pro Hero to walk in.


You finally see All Might emerge into the workroom, followed by Midnight.

"Oh (y/n)! You're still here? Are you here to tell me what you decided for your Hero name?" You fight back a snarky response as you bow your head down in apology.

"Um, Midnight Sensei. I'm really sorry for what I said earlier. I apologize for not letting you explain properly. It won't happen again." You lift your head back up, the silence becoming too uncomfortable for you to handle.

" You lift your head back up, the silence becoming too uncomfortable for you to handle

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"Ah, well, yes. Thank you for your apology. I appreciate it."

Your eyes meet Midnights as you continue your flow of thought.

"As for my Code name, I'm not in the best position to choose right now. I hope you can understand, But now isn't the right time."

"Ah yes, no rush. Just don't wait too long, or the public will name you themselves." Midnight chuckles at the thought.

"Understood." You bow to the teacher once more before gathering your stuff to leave.

"Have a nice evening." You exit the room, not daring to glance back.

Midnight looks around at the two teachers, a little taken back. "I think that girl is growing on me. I didn't expect her to catch me off guard like that."

"Don't tease her too much, Midnight. She's trying her best to adapt to what's around her."

"I know, I know. Geez, Eraser, when did you become such a softy?"

A/n: Next update 2/20/21

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