The day of Twist and Teaching

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"(y/n) You think you can run? AHAHA you silly pathetic girl you think just changing your name and a little bit of your appearance will stop me from finding you? You just wait (y/n) I am already setting my sights out for my dearest little sister."

You burst up from your bed in terror of the dream that just erupted, you lifted your hand up to feel tears staining your face and look over to the nightstand alarm flashing 1:30.

"Oh my gosh, looking for me. This can't just be a dream or a nightmare it's a warning." You bury your head in your knees weeping to collect your thoughts till morning.



You sluggishly walk over to turn off your alarm clock getting ready to go to UA.

You look in the mirror before setting out. You notice your unsightly appearance. You appear three shades paler than your natural skin tone with dark sleepless rings under your eyes.

"Uhg. I can sleep once I get to school. I can sleep during lunch even. I can do this." You patted your face give yourself a little joint as you grabbed your bag setting out to school.


"Oh yeah I heard, but it was odd it was in a concentrated area, but they said on the news this morning that five houses caught on fire due to the lightning strikes."

"Oh, but you can't forget about the mini-earthquake."

You walk in a trace listening to the two students discuss the actions of last night. Your heart sunk in disbelief of the thought.

"Hey excuse me, what time did the events occur?" You called out to the girls. They stared at you in confusion.

"Umm, I don't know. I think it started around 1:00am but like it ended so abruptly."

"Yeah like I think it ended around one thirty in the morning."

"Was there any deaths ?" You asked in a panic as your color drained even more from your skin.

"Umm, not that I herd of, but a man is said to be in critical condition. Such a tragedy, probably not gonna make it."

"OH, I know that poor single father! They say it might be related to a villain attack. So scary! Gives me goosebumps!"

You stood there wide eyes in disbelief as your eyesight turn black slowly. Turning, you ran into the bathroom.

"Gosh, so rude."

"Weird much? So as I was saying ~."

You run up to the mirror viciously slashing water on your face to cool down. "Calm down. Calm down ." "You will only make it worst stressing about it, it wasn't you. You have control!" Your heartbeat slowly begins to slow down as you collected your thoughts. You slowly got up to regain your balance and walked to class still making an effort to keep calm.

~Elective Class: Communications~

"Just in time." You slide into the nearest desk. You look around noticing the teacher hasn't even arrived.

"OI! Hey you!"

You turned around in your chair with a stare of ice cold. " I do have a name you know."

"Wow, bold (y/n)! Very manly! Well I'm not surprised you did stand up to Bakugo though. I'm Kirishima Eijirou. I'm in your Homeroom class."

"Well, Kirishima what do you want? And thanks for bringing up that idiot!"

"Haha, I just wanted to introduce myself to you. I hope we get along really well!

Your gaze shot down at the sudden generosity, holding a poker face to appear unphased. "Um. Well, yeah. Thanks for the effort, nice to meet you."

"Hey, you spoiled brats sit down !" The class went silent as the teacher walked into the room " I am Mr. Horokino. Now let's make my life easy and all of you kids play nice and do your work."

"Great another class to not only bite my tongue in but fall asleep in," You mumbled.

"I'm sorry? Did you say something, Miss... Ah yes (y/n)."

"Oh no. OF course not Sensei. I was just thinking of ways of how I could be more helpful to my wonderful new teacher."

Whispers: "Wooo. Is this chick being sarcastic or serious?"

"Well if that's the case miss (y/n) then why don't you teach the class?"

You smiled brightly at the challenge. "Hehe. Of courses Sensei. I will GLADLY teach the lesson that you failed to actually on time for" You got up from your desk walking tall in front of the room to face the class.

"Now, the start of a good hero is communication. One can establish a relationship with not just their side kick but with the people that look up to you and the people you look up to. To start at the root, you need to understand your classmates not fully, but to the point of respect between one another to establish a bond. This even more so in the Homeroom. Today I ask you to listen to each other a little more than talking. This concludes today's lesson. I hope this will help you going forward in this class and life. Class dismissed." You look around the room noticing the shock painted on every student's face, Even Sensei, as you walked out of the room with a bright smirk of victory."


"Hey, (y/n)! We are headed to the cafe, do you wanna come to eat with us?" Ochako walked up to you beaming with joy.

"Um haha, Thank you for the offer, but I got to look over some notes for the next class, but maybe next time?"

"Oh yeah! Of course maybe tomorrow? " Ochako called out walking to the lunch hall.

"Wait! Ochako! Have you seen Bakugo?"

Forever [Katsuki Bakugo x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon