To blame pt 2

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"LAY A HAND ON HIM, AND I WILL DESTROY YOU!" Tomura staggers as you get ready for your next attack. Tomura leaps with his hands stretch out to you; you dodge his grasp as you send a gust of wind, sending him flying back with a twist of your hand.

You take the opportunity to race to the exit. As you reach for the doorknob, a dark mist swallows you whole, releasing you from the top of the ceiling, causing your shoulder to absorb the impact as you fell back to the ground.

"STOP KUROGIRI! THIS ISN'T YOUR FIGHT." Kurogiri steps out from behind the bar in an attempt to intervene. Tomura continues to restrain you, as you attempt to dodge both of them. In a last-ditch effort, you seize the opportunity to dive behind the bar; You grab one of the bottles holding it with one hand, igniting a fire in the other.

"Backoff Tomura or we ALL go up in flames." Both villains stop, proceeding to laugh at you in unison.

"I knew you still had it in you. I was beginning to worry that you turned all Hero on us." In defiance, you threw the bottle in their direction, followed by the flame that once resigned in your hand. Kurogiri swiftly formed a void engulfing both the fire and object. Tomura took the opening, diving over the bar, causing you to slam onto the glass bottles hehind you.

You howl out in agony as shards shred through your garments

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You howl out in agony as shards shred through your garments. Tomura clutches one hand on your neck and the other on your arm, leaving one finger from reaching either part of your skin.

"Doesn't the feeling of anticipation just well up inside of you at the thought (y/n)? One little finger between life and death. How about this? I'll count to three and if you don't agree to join. I'll end your pain here."

Your fear overwhelms you causing you to freeze in terror. In the end, you were never able to live free from your past, never able to come to terms with your feelings. You glance at the tv as Tomura slowly starts his countdown. Bakugo's face flashes on the screen, his determination to win plastered across every inch of his sharp features. In the end, you couldn't protect him. If only UA allowed you to develop and control your quirks, maybe you woudn't be in this situation now.

"If I join the League, I can live, but is being captive being free? But what about my friends?"


"What will happen to the winner? Will they hurt Bakugo? I have to come up with a plan. I refuse to loose again!"


🌟a/n- More romance to come in the next couple of chapters! Gotta love character development 🤧
Thank you for reading!🌟

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