A little late now. Arn't we ?

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(Nock Nock)

You stood up from the couch hastily making your way to the door. "WHO IS IT?" You yelled making your voice sound sickly, throwing a cough in there for more realism.

"It's Bakugo you dumb as*. Who would come to see you? Now open the door."

"WHAT DO YOU WANT....whatever. IT CAN WAIT."



"If you are worried about how you look don't worry, you can't look any worst then how you normally look."

"Seriously! LEAVE !"

"Not until you open the door "



"blowing up the ...? WAIT NO! NO! NO! I'M UP!!"

You dashed up grabbing your robe. Pulling down your h/l hair to seem presentable. You Open the door to see Katsuki holding a box his expression plastered with annoyance. Katuski pushed his way through the doorway clutching your hand preceding to throw you to the couch in one motion.

"So? You decided to ditch today?"

You pulled your legs up closer to your body to allow him to sit down next to you. "No, I told you I'm sick."

"You look fine to me." Katsuki scooted closer to you looking at you intensely.

"Uh, you are going to get sick if you get to close ." You scooted over until your back hit the arm of the chair.

"What happened there?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you have a bandage?" Katsuki placed his thumb over your brow waiting for you to answer as he leaned closer to you, only inches separating you apart.

"A cat! It was on the fire escape. I startled it, and it swiped at me."

"Right. Anyways, I brought you your hero suit. I was going to open it, but it couldn't be as cool as mine, so I stopped.

"Wow. You are just so thoughtful aren't you?"

"Yeah, you don't have to thank me."

"I wasn't planning on it... now if you would be so kind and GET OFF ME!" You pushed Katsuki off you slipping off the coach in the process. Katsuki grabbed your arm before your body completely fell altogether. You hissed out in pain.

"Did you just hiss at me."

"NO!" You yelled touching your arm softly.

"What did you do to your arm?"

"Nothing! I walked into a door, and it formed a bruise, no big deal." You got up going into the kitchen, but before you could get out of his reach, Katsuki clutched your wrist pinning you to the couch.

"Tell me what happens or will I have to see for myself." Katsuki eyes filled with anger as you struggled underneath his grasp.

"You need to leave Bakugo."

Katsuki pulled the shoulder of your robe revealing the white bandages leading down to your hand. "What. In. The. fu** hel*. happened?"

You looked into his beautiful ruby eyes trying to come up with something. "I...I broke the mirror in the bathroom."

"BAKA! Why did you break your mirror?"

"I... I saw a spider.......?"

"...... HAHA, you saw a spider? I'm amazed you can look at me dead in the eyes and lie to me so easily." Katuski loosened his grip on you turning his gaze to the floor.

"But I.."

"I've had enough of you (y/n)." Katsuki got up from the couch preceding to grab his belongings.


"What!" Katsuki turned around rage burning in his eyes.

"Don't leave, I..I didn't lie to you."

"Why would I stay? I have no time to waist on someone as pathetic as you." You felt a stabbing pain in your heart by his words. You reached out to grip his hand without thinking Immedenty stopping before touching his hand.

"Then leave."

"Gladly seeing you can't tell what truth is from your own lies anymore." Katuski continued walking as you shut the door.

"BAKA!" You screamed slamming the door. You grabbed the box Katsuki brought over looking at it furiously throwing it into the trash without a second thought. You looked down noticing a blue envelope laying by the garbage. You slid your finger under the seal pulling out the letter within.


We finally got your order in this morning, looks like it's your first step onto the path of hero work. I want you to remember this, just because you weren't born into the "hero life" and growing up always wanting to be one doesn't mean you can't become one. Please don't take this as a setback but a motive to get better.

P.s. I know it's against your probation, but as your "guardian" I suggest you tell your friend about your quirk "s" and your past since you are spending so much time with him. Blowing him off will only work for so long.


"Hum. A little late. Aren't we." You pulled the hero suit out of the trash placing the box on the countertop. Peeling back the top of the seal. You stopped before pushing back the flaps.

"What a mockery, I'll never get to be a hero, much less get to pretending to be one."

You walked back to the couch wrapping yourself in the familiar warmness of the blankets letting sleep overtake you.

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