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"I wouldn't dare to underestimate the League. I've made that mistake before." You roll your eyes before guiding your attention back on Twice.

"Keep a lookout while I finish up."You turn around, keeping a full watch on the door.

"Twice are you finished ye.."Before you could finish, Twice manifest what resembles to be a mirror reflection of you. You watch with astonishment. 

"Woah. How does she work?""I work like you smart as*." Twice laughs in amusement at his work.

"It's a clone of you; I just need to know your exact measurements and characteristics."

"Tsk, Characteristics? You barely know me."

"How could you know how I act?"

"You're easy to read." "It was just a guess!" Twice two personalities following immediately.

"(Sigh)." You turn back to the clone, eyeing it for any differences.

"So, me? Clone? (Y/n) all I need you to do is sit there. Make a blunt comment about Bakugo from time to time, but try to keep interaction with Aizawa to a minimal, he's too perceptive sometimes." Your clone looks at you yawning in boredom.

"Yeah, yeah. Keep my head down, except when denying my feelings for Katsuki." You glow vivid red from embarrassment at your own words.

"Kidding, kidding, not really. Haha. I'm you, remember? Surely we are smart enough to figure this out. Now, stop worrying and get this trainwreck over with."

You give a partial smile back in response."Goodluck. (y/n)."

"Same to you (y/n)." Your double steps out of the bathroom, proceeding back to the commentators' room. You turn back to Twice, who was impatiently waiting for your attention to turn back to him.

"Okay, now how do we get out of here?"

"Same way I got in." "Do we have to explain everything?"Your patience grows thin with Twice.

"Then here's a bright idea! How about you show me the way so we can go?" You motion sarcastically. Twice pulls out a phone from his guards' uniform. Dialing a single number before letting it ring.

"Well, who did you call?" "So impatient!" Before, you could reflect a swirling void of onyx and violet mist formed in the middle of the room. Causing you to jump back on instinct.

"Of course, why didn't I guess it sooner." You gaze upon the iniquitous haze, evaluating the possible scenarios before you make your first step into the other side.

"Just step into the void (y/n)." "Just go! You were so eager before."

"Shut up! I just need a second!"

"Okay, no rush." "One!" Twice pushes you, sending you diving into the void landing head first on the other side. You curse Twice out under your breath as you gain your sense of your surroundings once again.

"Upzzee daisy!" Twice pulls you up from under your arms, causing you to the stagger.

"DON'T TOUCH ME." You push him off, furiously dusting your clothes off.

" You push him off, furiously dusting your clothes off

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A sinister laugh echos across the dimly lit bar. You wince at the sound of the laughter bouncing off the brick walls.

"You can take the girl away from villainy but never the villainy out of the girl. Your compassion never ceases to amaze me (y/n)."

"Like brother, like sister. I suppose Shigaraki." You counter sneeringly.

"Aw, so formal? You could at least call me big brother."

"Act like one, and maybe I'll reconsider." Twice studies both of you tentatively.

"You could break this tension with a knife!"

"Can I leave now." Tomura looks over, shaking his head in approval.

"I hope to be seeing you again, Twice."

"If I get to see (y/n) again, I wouldn't miss it for anything!" "Except if the plan is as pointless as this one." Twice quickly passes through the exit before he can counter his other half.

"Something tells me if it's your stupid plan, he would follow it blindly."

"Well, my stupid plan got you here." You let out a low growl as you take a seat in the furthest chair from Tomura.

Kurogiri emerges from a new void casually making a drink behind the counter, he sets down a clear glass filled with two cubes of ice and a clear liquid. You stair intensely at the glass looking from Tomura to Kurogiri and back again.

"It's water, (y/n) we didn't bring you here to kill you."

"Not yet, anyway." Tomura chimes in.

"What do you guys want? I'm not here to play games. And what's with the note with the coordinates and the stupid key! What was the point of going through all that trouble?"

"For the game, of course.That's why I brought you here. You will need those later. You scowl at Tomura in unease.

"I'm not playing your games anymore. I'm done!"

"That's too bad. You would benefit from it more, don't you remember?"

You groan in defeat, recalling the letter Twice gave you. You get up from your seat, shifting closer to your brother.
"What is your game, moreover how do I benefit?"

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