Hero Killer pt 1

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You tug at the leather like material coating your body like a second skin. You gaze at your reflection, taking in the nostalgic view you see before you in disgust.

"Uhg, I can't believe I managed to keep this outfit. It hasn't even been that long since I've worn this! Why is it even more uncomfortable then before!"

You gather your belongings buckling up some strap-on weapons as an extra precaution.
"Not taking any chances this time."
Lastly, you grab an onyx Maxi Coat, raising the collar up to disguise you further.

knock knock

You hear a light knock at the door peering through the peephole at the unpleasant visitor. You groan in defeat as you open the door.
"When you told me we would see each other soon, I didn't think you meant it literally."

"Did you miss me that much (y/n)? I have to admit I'm flattered

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"Did you miss me that much (y/n)? I have to admit I'm flattered."

You roll your eyes at Dabi's condescending tone. "If you're here to accompany me, we better go before my brother blows a blood vessel."

You turn your back to the man making sure you lock the door before you leave.

"Right after you, Little Hero."


You walk with a purpose, Dabi trailing by your side, the scenery becoming more and more deserted. You lift up the collar of your coat, once again feeling the night breeze nip on your exposed skin.

"You know I'm more than capable of coming here by myself. I have a key. I have a map. I don't need a babysitter." You lift your head to meet the mans piercing gaze."

"I'm sure he knows that. But I wanted to see my favorite hero in training again, so I volunteered."

"Humf, drop the brother, friend, acquaintance, whatever act you're playing. Drop it. I'm not buying it."

"I don't know what you mean (y/n). I simply just take an interest in you. You remind me of myself when I was your age."

You tense up at the comment. "Oh please... you want me to start calling you Senpai now?"

"No, of course not." Dabi lets a small grin peak across his face, just enough to where you caught a glimpse of the rare moment.
"You know (y/n), you've changed a little."

"Please, we barely know each other. How could you possibly know whether I've changed or not?"

"You seem more confident, less scared of your role." You go numb at the thought, pondering Dabi's words.

"That's not it. I've simply excepted my fate."

"Perhaps. Or it could be your confident in whatever you're planning." You stop walking, rapidly putting your guard up.You lower your voice, making each word is packed with venom.

"I'm warning you now, Dabi. I will not take your accusations lightly. You may underestimate me and my quirks, but I swear to you, get in my way, and you will regret every word you just said."

Dabi's face goes still. Slowly his frozen facade turned to one of pure amusement.
"HAHAHA. How wonderful! You are indeed a glory to be hold (y/n)! Now I understand. Don't worry, I have no intention of getting in your way. Regardless if you have something planned or not."

"Then we're good. Let's not keep the party waiting stitches. I'm getting more impatient by the second."

"Why, of course! Young hero." After walking what seemed like miles, you come across the address written on the piece of paper. Cautiously you make your way down the underground staircase before coming across the marron-colored door.

"Have a goodnight (y/n). Don't cause too much trouble."

You roll your eyes as you unlock the deadbolt, waking in the bar with the utmost confidence. You spot Kurogiri and Tomura in mid-conversation as you continued to walk to the barstool.

"Oh now. Please don't stop on my account. What are my two least favorite people up to on this dreadfully chilly night?" Tomura snickers at your commentary, continuing to take sips of his drink.

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