Rude Awakening

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"Don..'t...don't please."

"Oi (Y/n) was..."


"(Y/n) wake up."



You felt a sharp sting shoot through your forehead as you opened your eyes blinded by the bright sunlight. "MMM what's wrong, what's happening, more importantly, WHY THE FU** DID YOU JUST FLICK ME!"

"We are late to class, I must've fallen asleep with you."

"Why. When. What time did the bell ring? Wait, fell asleep with me?" You yawned stretching your arms.

"Fifteen minutes ago."

"Wait! Bell, Class, I fell asleep! NO NO, NO HERO 101 !" You shot up like a rocket grabbing your stuff as Katsuki watched in amusement.

"Oi, (y/n), What happen in your dream?"

"No time to talk let's go !" You grab Katuskis hand pulling him through the door, racing down the hall to 1 A.





The door of the classroom opens with such a force that it could be heard through any direction of the hallway.

~Class: Hero Training 101~

Aizawa opens the door to reveal his horrifying expression of agitation as All Might pauses his presentation in front of the class.

"How nice of you to join us (Y/n) and Bakugo. There better be a good excuse for you two to have missed the beginning of class." Aizawa called out.

"Now, Now, Aizawa gives the kids a break." All Might suggested in a supporting tone "They seemed to have been bounding, (sigh) young love ."

You freeze in your position as Katsuki walks laughing in the classroom amused.

"HAHA. As if I would have the feeling of a useless, pathetic girl like (y/n). She is just another extra in my book."

You look up from the ground bitting your tongue in frustration to stop the urge of striking point blank at Katsuki. You started walking nudging Aizawa out of the way making your way to your desk. You turn back to Aizawa, the entire room waiting for your excuse.

"I went up to the roof to get Katskui, but when I got up there, he was sleeping. So I went to look at the beautiful view, and I saw a man running off with ladies purse. Naturally, I couldn't just sit and do nothing, so I rushed to go help her, causing me to be late to class. Oh then before I dashed to class, I woke up Katsuki. Non the less I simply had to help someone in need, regardless of the consequences."

"LIKE HEL* THAT HAPPEN YOU LITTLE BICT* !" Katsuki wailed across the room.

"Bakugo shut it. (sigh) I guess your right (y/n). Just hurry up and take your seat."

You turned around wickedly smirking in victory at Katsuki before taking your seat.

"Hey (y/n) are you alright? Your eyes are a little watery." Todoroki turned looked at you curiously.

"Haha, oh yeah. I'm just bit my tongue." You laughed nervously turning your attention to All Might.

"Now that's the hero way of thinking young (y/n)." All Might spoke with please at your kind (fake) deed "Now as I was saying the young heroes in Hero 101 you will learn the basics of being a Pro and what it means to fight for the name of good, LET'S GET INTO IT! Today's lesson will pull no punches!" All Might echoed as he held up a bright little sign reading "Battle."

"FIGHT TRAINING!" Katuski yelled with excitement radiating in his eyes.

"What! Real combat!" Midoriya quaked in fear.

"Hand to hand combat?!" Your eyes twinkled with interest.

"Yes, young heroes and the key to being a hero is LOOKING GOOD! Meet me in training ground Bata when you guys are ready." All Might lifted his hand to point at the shelves opening up to reveal all the students' costumes. The class ran to put on their new hero costumes not giving a second for All Mighty to finish explaining. You look over at Aizawa sitting in the corner locking eyes with him. He silently motioned you to wait a minute till he could talk adequately with you alone with All Might. You quietly shrink back into your desk as you waited for the last student to leave.

"(Y/n) your costume will arrive next week due to the late entire."

"But, don't worry young (y/n) you will still get to set out with the rest of the class. I regret to inform you, you will not be taking part in the battles today due to your circumstances."

"Yes, I figured that much sir, now if you will excuse me, I will go change into my uniform."

"Young (y/n) we can only do so much to protect you from the hero association. I ask you to please calm your powers before they turn their heads towards you. Aizawa and I could both see that you are doing your best, but the press will only take freak natural disasters for so long."

You looked down feeling the color draining from your skin once more, fighting back the anger trying to break through from inside you. "Yes, All Might I will be more careful." You turn your back to the heroes proceeding to walk out of the classroom.

~Training ground Bata~

"You look absolutely amazing Ochako!"

"Thank you so much (y/n)! Where's your costume?

"Oh, yeah well they didn't get it ready in time so haha it will be here next week, so I am told." You looked nervously into the girl's eyes waiting to see if she took the lie without question.

"Oh, I see."

You quickly think of a topic to divert her attention. "OH Ochako look at your night in shining armor boyfriend." You glanced over at Deku.

"(Y/N)! Please don't kid around like that!" Ochako's face lighted up red in full blush. Oh, but (y/n) since we are on the topic of the guys turn around and look at Bakugo."

You turned around to see Katsuki standing very proud of his hero suit. His black, red and green color scheme matched perfectly to define his deep scarlet eyes. Not to mention how his tank top clung perfectly to define his chest and abs leaving his broad arms bare. Of course, Katusiki had to keep it flashy and had two grenades covering his hands to complement his Quirk. You look up to Katsukis face to notice he caught you staring at him, walked towards you with confidence beaming in every step he took.

 You look up to Katsukis face to notice he caught you staring at him, walked towards you with confidence beaming in every step he took

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"OI, (y/n) like what you see?"

"HA, in your dreams Katsuki, way to eliminate the element of surprise. With your flashy as* outfit I could see you coming from a mile away."


"Katchan, I think you should calm down just a little bit." Deku tried reasoning with the hot head.

"It's okay, don't waste your breath dealing with a stubborn Bomb for Brains who can't even save a lady's purse." You took Deku's hand walked away before you could hear the rath of Bakugo Katsuki. You stopped in front of Ochako letting go of his hand. "I'll see you two later good luck in the battles." Before you walked away, you gave a wink to Ochako seeing the young girls face burning rose red. You slowly walked making your way up to the observation deck, viewing All Might giving the assigned teams and task for Hero vs. Villains.

Forever [Katsuki Bakugo x Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن