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"What do you mean I'll be doing an internship!!!!"

"Well, you are a student at UA. I don't see why you should miss out on such an opportunity."

"Well, let's see... I missed the Sports Festival. I'm not able to train. Oh, and let us not forget, THE PRO HEROS DESPISE ME!"


"Let her speak, Aizawa." Nezu laughs. "I simply would like you to participate more (y/n) and develop into the fine hero I know you can be. You've shown your loyalty so far. I don't see the problem in giving you more privileges.

"Tsk, (should've let me compete in the festival then). What Pro could possibly want me to do an internship with them"

Nezu's eyes divert to Aizawa. "You will be doing an internship under me, kid."

"HA, you took me out of pity. I'm actually hurt, Sensei."

"That wasn't my intent. I know what you are caple of and how much of your quirks you can control. Taking that into account. It's only plausible that I'm the one to take you in as an intern."

"(Sigh). Now I get why you didn't explain this yourself. If it's out of necessity, I won't refuse. May I go back to class now?"

You turn your head away, biting back your pride.

"Yes, Ms.(y/n), you are free to go." You dash out of the office, bolting into the hallway. You look up at the clock glaring at the time.

"Well, it's almost time for lunch. I might as well go early."

You make your way to the rooftop setting down your things. You slump down against the smooth brick examining the paper Midnight handed you.

It takes everything in your power to not fling the paper over the balcony, but you knew it would do you no good if you followed through. Instead, you sat down looking out to the open air, taking in the pleasant breeze of the day.

"If only it stayed like this more often."

"I'm not sure I can agree. It's a little hot for this time of the month." You jumped, looking to the boy towering over you."

"It's rude to sneak up on people, Todoroki." You laugh, making room for him to take a seat next to you.

"What are you doing up here? Hasn't lunch already started?"

"I could ask you the same?"

"I believe it was you who told me not to answer a question with a question." You raise an eyebrow, giving off a sly smile.

"I asked Kirishima where you go for lunch. I wanted to come to see if you were okay?"

"Me? I'm fine! I should be asking you that! Did recovery girl heal all your injuries?"

"Yeah, she did. But that's not exactly what I was referring to," You examine Todoroki, not seeing even a little scratch across his half smooth pale skin.

"Oh, right! So, did you choose who you will be interning with?"

"Yeah, I will be at my father's agency."

"Seriously! How come?"

"If I'm going to surpass him, what better way than from the inside."

"Points for dedication. I have to say, I admire that about you." Todoroki turns his attention towards you, hanging on to your complement.

"Hum, dedication. Todoroki, Can I ask you for a favor?"

"Um, yeah. Of course."

You smile, sincerely overwhelmed by the boys' kindness towards you. "Can you show me how you control your quirks?"

A/N: Thank you for reading!
Next update 1/23

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