To be #1

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The bus doors open revealing a glorious sight of vivid green wild, untamed growth of grass, with scattered thick full trees as far as the eye can see. The early morning sun graced the fields with luminous daffodils and daisies. You pay the driver giving him a small wave as the bus rushes to its next destination.

"Come on, stop lingering (y/n) we are burning daylight."

"You have no appreciation for anything. Do you?  Whatever, it's just over this way. Lets go.You walk over the several hilltops finally reaching a fenced pasture.

"Finally we made it!" You cheer running to open the gate bordering the patch of land.

"It's just more grass?"

"But it's gated grass. And even more so it's secluded." You drop your bag by the entrance, running out to the middle of the pasture.

"Are we finally gonna train now?"

"Yes, but I have to do one little thing first. Stand in this spot and don't move." You concentrate on Katsuki's position as you kneel down clawing the dirt and grass around you. The grass slowing starts retreating all around Bakugo and you exposing the brown soil around you.

Katsuki looks stunned as he looks down as the only speck of grass what was left was what he was standing on.

"Impressive, now that there's no obstacles in my way. You're mine." You look up confused as a massive swarm of fire blows past you."


"Let the training begin." Katsuki's brow turns into a frown as he smiled viciously.

You looked stunned, still kneeling. You stuck one hand the dirt with a swift motion vigorous vines lunged out, locking Katsuki's feet to the ground. He hurtled a blast towards you, causing you to go flying back with violent force. You hit the ground hard, pieces of rock scratching your side. You get up seeing Katsuki managing to blow up some of your vines.

You dart towards him as he prepares to send another explosion. With another swing of your arm, you send a powerful gust of wind knocking him off his feet. You took this as your opportunity to slam your hand on the ground twisting the vines to keep him in place. You charged, throwing your hands up sending the vines shoring into the clouds as well as Katsuki.

"AP Shot: Auto Cannon!" A rapid-fire technique shoots down to the ground. You jump out of the way barley dodge it in time. You move your hands down, signaling the roots to go back down deep into the earth. Katsuki breaks free from the source as he stumbles to regain his balance.

"STOP GOING EASY ON ME BOMB FOR BRAINS! IF I WERE IN THE SPORTS FESTIVAL, WOULD YOU GO EASY THEN!? STOP BEING SELFISH AND FINISH ME." You're words hit deep. The ruby color in his eyes shine with passion and determination you shutter at his thirst for the victory.

 The ruby color in his eyes shine with passion and determination you shutter at his thirst for the victory

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You move back cautious of Katsuki. The Blond creates a sphere of light between his hands that explodes into a larger flash of blinding white light. You scream in frustration as your sight wavers. Stumbling back, you conjure a burst of flames shielding you from Katsukis' attacks.You stand tall regaining back your lost sight. You smile wickedly at the Blond.

"Should I end it or will you?"

You hit the ground creating a mass sink hole under Katsuki as he intangles within the gravel. The field unfolded on itself, causing the gravel to be poured into the bottomless pit simulating a waterfall. You stand at the edge, waiting for the Blond to arise, but nothing resurfaces.

"Bakugo?" you bend down looking into ends hole searching for the rambunctious blond ."BAKUGOOOO this isn't funny, where are you?" Your face contorts with worry as you get ready to jump down and search for him.

"(Y/n)". You turn around to see Katsuki angling one arm in your direction. " I win" Katsuki. Your eyes widen as Katsuki takes to the air, using an explosion to propel himself in a circular motion to create a tornado. Katsuki collides with the ground, releasing a powerful explosion. Your body flies back with unbelievable force, sending you across the pasture as you scrap against the rubble, causing blistering pain.

You start laughing as you spat out drops of blood. You wobbly stand to see Bakugo standing offering a hand to support you.

"Use that during the Sports Festival, and you'll win for sure."

"You're not so bad yourself halfbreed. We should probably head back before evening breaks."

"Haha, giving up already? I was just getting started."


"Sure, that's the reason. I wasn't planning on heading back to town tonight. There's an abandoned cabin out here that I fixed up not too long ago."

"What were you doing out here?"

"Ancient history. Hurry, it's dangerous to be out at night."

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