To blame pt 1

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Kurogiri hands Tomura the remote to the television

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Kurogiri hands Tomura the remote to the television. The dimly lit screen broadcasts the current stages of the Sports Festival. You look up seeing the students put forth their all, in what appears to be a game of capture the flag. Both villains gaze at you in amusement on your transfixion of the screen.

"I seemed to have piqued your interest (y/n)." You frown, regaining your composer.

"Not in the slightest. If you want me to cause a ruckus at the Sports Festival, sorry to say but it's too late for that. Thanks to you, I am under constant monitoring from my guardian after your last little stunt."

"Far more straightforward. I want you to bring the winner to me." You about fall out of your chair in laughter, causing Tomura to get an itch around his neck.

"HAHHAHAHAHAAH. BAKA BAKA BAKA! No, but really. Why am I here?"

"We are serious (y/n)." You stop laughing, glaring at Kurogiri perplexed.

"Why would I want to do that?"

"There's more. I want you apart of the League (y/n), we need your Quirks. And of course you would be free to use your gifts as you please."

"You look at Tomura blankly, your jaw tensing in response. "Why would I ever come back to you... You're the reason I'M IN UA IN THE FIRST PLACE! YOU'RE THE RESON THEY ALMOST TERMINATED ME! YOU'RE THE REASON I'M LIKE THIS." You barely manage to maintain your composer, as your voice shakes in uneasiness.

Tomura gently reaches out, twirling one strand of your hair between his thin fingers. "I did it for you, for us. If you come back to us, that boy you like will be safe. Did you honestly think they care for you (y/n)? The teachers, students, the principal? I'm sorry to tell you this, but they are afraid of what they can't contain. And that is you."
Kurogiri joins in on the conversation provoking you further. "Haven't you overheard them haul you through the mud? Has even one teacher been reliable?"

Before you let your composer break, you remembered Aizawa and All Might. You replay though the reassurance they have given you through the past few months. You brush away Tomura's hand, revealing a sinister smile. "The only ones who have abandoned me are the ones who are supposed to be my family. I've outgrown your games, especially you, Bigggg broootherrr.You turn your back to both villans making your way to the exit.

"Hope they feel the same way when they find out who's been helping us this whole time."

You freeze in place, an icy chill prickling along your spine. "You're bluffing. You have no proof."
Tomura gently whispers in your ear. "Are you sure about that? We might just kill the boy while we are at it."

A surge of panic wells up inside of you as a flare of sparks explodes from your hand. You lash back your hand, nailing him on the side of his cheek.

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