U.A Sports Festival Pt 1

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"Gotta, keep running, come on feet keep going." You huff seeing an illusion of shapes and vibrant colors in your vision. "ALMOST Al-Al.. most." You dive for the finish line hitting the ground with a large thump. You look around familiarizing yourself with your surroundings. "Of course, just a dream, like I could be at the Sports Festival."

You recall walking back to your room after studying techniques with Bakugo the night before. You look over to your alarm, the neon red light blazing 5:00am.

"Better get ready then." You go around your room, tossing everything you could possibly need in a bag: Backup clothes, Phone, charger, stun gun, water. Just the essentials. Before you could think of anything else, you hear a loud yell from down the hall.

"TIME TO CLAIM MY VICTORY!" You open the door seeing the light illuminate from underneath Katsuki's bedroom.

"Too early for this! WAY too early." You grab a pillow marching swiftly to the blond's room. You throw open his door causing a loud bang.

"YOU. NEED. TO. SHUT IT!." You chucked the pillow full force hitting your target correctly.

"OI! WHAT THE HEL, COME HERE YOU LITTLE RUNT!" Katsuki jumps up, chucking the pillow in the same direction missing you by an inch.

"Save the energy Bomb For Brains, you don't want that talk to go to waste."

"Tsk, I will win this and put you in place (l/n)(y/n)."

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm going to get ready first. I'll be quick."

You walk away before hearing a complaint back. You quickly shower and change into casual clothing, an iced white long sleeves croptop complimented by an onyx shorts, leather jacket and dark see-through tights. Last but not least, you place the key Twice gave you around a chain, placing it around your neck, tucking it safely inside your shirt. Then sliding the note from Dabi inside your pocket.

(Bang Bang)

"You ready yet? We don't have all morning." You open the door. Stunning Katsuki as he gazes up and down in surprise. A soft red blush crosses his face standing out from the sports uniform.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? Are you ready to win?" You let out a smug giggle, as Katsuki and you hurry to the U.A. Sports Festival. You and Bakugo arrive just in time to check-in, not having a chance to marvel at all the booths and the crowds of people waiting to be seated in the stadium.

You thought to yourself quietly as Katsuki took your hand, leading you to the prep room where the rest of 1-A is being held.

"It's all a show to them? It's terrible. Where is the honor in winning? How is it all a popularity game? Instead of recognition for doing what's right. How are they any different from us? Them? Or is it different from me?"

"Oi (y/n)." Bakugo snaps next to your ear, bringing you back into reality.

"Hu? Oh, my bad. I must have gotten to overwhelmed. Ha. Ha." You nervously deflect."Oh, I guess we are here. You hear the voices of your classmates rumble from inside.

"I should go find Aizawa before someone sees me. I'll see you tonight, Bakugo." You bring the blond in close, wrapping your arms around him desperately.

You bring your voice down to a whisper. "Be safe, Katsuki, and I'll be watching, so win and good luck." You let go quickly, making your way down the hall.

"OI! I DON'T NEED LUCK! I'LL SHOW YOU!" Katsuki voice booms across the halls, causing a small smirk to spread across your face. Kirishima pops his head around the door, curiously.

"Hey, was that (y/n) just now? Is she not joining us?"

"Tsk, None of your dam* business. Katsuki pushes Kirishima through the opening of the door before closing it with a hard bang.

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