Tell me your weakness

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~After the test~

You walked back to the classroom discouraged. You heard Bakugo's words echoing in your head, he was right, you felt as if you were Quirkless, not being able to use a hint of your powers. You reach for your headset out of your backpack to distract you from your thoughts. You touched your shoulder, noticing the absents of your bag. "Dang it, I left the bag in the lunch hall." You turned around darting in the other direction.


"WHAT THE HELL WATCH OUT YOU.. Oh it's you Quirkless."



"THAT'S IT BOMB FOR BRAINS I HAVE ENOUGH OF YOU TODAY. THIS ENDS NOW." You get into a stance ready to release your frustration out on Bakugo.


You turn around slowly knowing who the passive voice belonged to. " Ohhh Heyyyyy Mr.Aizawa, haha." You laughed nervously.

"Both of you get to class. Now. And (Y/n)." Aizawa throws you your backpack. "Keep up with your crap."

You walked in after Bakugo finding the entire class staring at you awkwardly. "Great, they heard everything." Your face turned red in full embarrassment as you sat back down in your seat.

"Okay, class. I'm done teaching for the day. Most of you good job on the test none of you will be expelled, some of you needed little push."

The whole class mouths dropped in disbelief followed by complete silence.

"Do what you want for the remainder of the class, but do not start a ruckus."

The class glanced in yours and Bakugo's directions.

"Thanks, Aizawa that wasn't directed towards me at all!" You pulled up your arm to rest you up head on your palm, but soon winced at the sudden sharp pain that shot through your temple.

"Mmm." You groaned softly.

"Hey, Are you alright?"

You looked up to meet the eyes of the boy with a peculiar quirk of fire and ice. You looked mesmerized by his beautiful mixed eyes, but something appeared familiar about him.

"Yeah I-I'm fine."

He lifted his hand to touch your temple as you winced even more in pain as a surprising numbing of wintry cold washed over you by his petal-like touch.

"T-Thank you. That feels a lot better."

" Yeah... no problem, I'm Todoroki Shoto by the way." He looked away shyly while his hand was still placed on your temple.

"I'm (l/n) (y/n). It's nice to meet you." You said sweetly. "Wait Todoroki? Oh! Are you the son of Endeavor?" Todoroki eyes grow in surprise as his face grows pale.

(Ring Ring )

Todoroki darted out of the room in a flash leaving you confused, as well as feeling a sense of dread. Great (Y/n) someone showing you a little bit of kindness and you just ruined it with your big mouth. Fantastic! You gathered your belongings in relief the day was finally Over. You slipped in an earbud preparing to walk out.


You froze, looking up to meet Aizawa's eyes.

"Look Aizawa, I promise I wasn't going to use my quirk on Bakugo. As much as he deserved it."

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