Breach Reunion

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"Dam* it I'm gonna be late again !"

You hopped out of bed dashing to wash up and change. You glanced in the mirror looking at your reflection, surprised by the sudden change in your hair color. It was a deeper color of its original shade and your eyes shined its usual 4 different colors. A deep blue mixed with a hazel brown on one side and fiery red combined with a light baby blue on the other making it evident that there are two different colors in each pupil. They were more brilliant than usual.

This was the first full sleep you got in a while and not to mentioned getting to use your quirk a little yesterday healing your wounds seemed to have rejuvenated you. You snapped out of the trance grabbing your suit and backpack as well as some black shades as you rushed out the door to the cold autumn morning.


You walk into class 1-A trying to completely avoid any eyesight with Bakugo as well as avoid any conversation with your classmates. You sat down plugged in your earphones and let the world slip away into song.

Out of nowhere, you felt a light tug of the bud out of your ear.

"Is it me or did you get even hotter overnight (y/n). We haven't officially met.  I'm Kaminari Denki also known as the "spark" of your life."

You paused your music looking up annoyed "Haha, cute pickup line. How many girls fell for that?" You spat sarcastically. You looked up to see 3 of the boys surrounding you "I already know who you guys are." You pointed at them one by one. "Hanta Sero Quirk: tape, Minoru Mineta Quirk: pop off and you, Kaminari Denki Quirk: Electrification." The 3 boys looked at you in surprise.

"Wow, you must have a lot of free time to memorize each of our quirk types. Either that or you are into us?"

"No Mineta, Kaminari saw her at the Flaming Pepper last night with Bakugooooo."  Hanta Sero sang as he started laughing as the rest of the class eyes flew from me to Katsuki. You glanced back seeing Katsuki trying to hold back from going off on them. You slowly pulled off your shades keeping eye contact with the floor. You slowly rose to your feet.

"Actually the exact opposite Mineta, I'm just taking notes on how I can bring all of you down at once, and rise to the top in the process, so I suggest you leave me alone, or I just may happen to jump to the opportunity this second ." You looked up with a toxic smile exposing your vibrant mixed eyes. The class went silent; even Aizawa looked a little shocked.

 The class went silent; even Aizawa looked a little shocked

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"HAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ." You dart your attention over to the other side of the room to see Katsuki about to fall to the floor in tears of laughter.

"HAHHAHAHA SHE SHUT YOU EXTRAS UP, but sorry to burst your dreams (y/n) I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO WILL RISE UP OUT OF YOU DAM EXTRAS." You bit your tongue in frustration giving Katuski a death glare.

"NO ONE ASKED YOU DUMB AS* SIT-DOWN!" you screamed in frustration.

Aizawa slammed a book on his desk.

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